* NCA is the main method; ** NCA in combination with a regression-based method; *** NCA in combination with QCA
Publications using NCA:
- Ahsan, M., Gyensare, M., Adomako, S., & Zheng, C. (in press). Chronic health issues and entrepreneurship: Exploring the role of grit, bricolage and illness uncertainty on venture performance. International Small Business Journal. **
- Arenius, P., Engel, Y., & Klyver, K. (2017). No particular action needed? A necessary condition analysis of gestation activities and firm emergence. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 8, 87-92.*
- Bachmann, N., Rose, R., Maul, V., & Hölzle, K. (2024). What makes for future entrepreneurs? The role of digital competencies for entrepreneurial intention. Journal of Business Research, 174, 114481.
- Bouncken, R., Ratzmann, M., Barwinski, R., & Kraus, S. (2020). Coworking spaces: Empowerment for entrepreneurship and innovation in the digital and sharing economy. Journal of Business Research, 114, 102-110. ***
- Breet, S. (2022). A network perspective on corporate entrepreneurship: How workplace relationships influence entrepreneurial behavior. PhD thesis, Rotterdam School of Management. (see Chapter 4: Shooting for the stars or hitting the ceiling? Why open networks are necessary for exceptional levels of individual innovation.*
- Camani, J. P. (2021). The role of resourcesin recombinations and the degree of novelty of products. International Journal of Innovation: IJI Journal, 9(3), 522-556.
- Chaurasia, S. S., Kaul, N., Yadav, B., & Shukla, D. (2020). Open innovation for sustainability through creating shared value-role of knowledge management system, openness and organizational structure. Journal of Knowledge Management. 24 (10), 2491-2511. *
- Chen, S., Elango, B. & Jones, J. (2019) Necessary conditions for social enterprise: The case of the microinsurance sector. Social Business, 9(4), 395-412. *
- Delladio, S., Caputo, A., Magrini, A., & Pellegrini, M. M. (2023). Italian entrepreneurial decision-making under lockdown: the path to resilience. Management Decision, 61(13), 272-294. **
- Ding, H. (2022). What kinds of countries have better innovation performance?–A country-level fsQCA and NCA study. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 7(4), 100215.***
- Dionisio, E. A., Inacio Junior, E., Morini, C., & Carvalho, R. D. Q. (2023). Identifying necessary conditions to deep-tech entrepreneurship. RAUSP Management Journal. *
- Eggers, F., Risselada, H., Niemand, T., & Robledo, S. (2022). Referral campaigns for software startups: The impact of network characteristics on product adoption. Journal of Business Research, 145, 309-324.***
- Gantert, T. M., Fredrich, V., Bouncken, R. B., & Kraus, S. (2021). The moral foundations of makerspaces as unconventional sources of innovation: A study of narratives and performance. Journal of Business Research 139, pp. 1564-1574. ***
- Han, G., & Zhang, Z. Regional innovation paths selection in complex environments of China: A configurational perspective. Managerial and Decision Economics. (Published online in 2021). ***
- Huang, Y., Li, P., Chen, L., & Wang, J. (2023). Opportunity or necessity entrepreneurship? A study based on the national system of entrepreneurship. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 8(4), 100448. ***
- Huang, Y., Zhang, M., Wang, J., Li, P., & Li, K. (2022). Psychological cognition and women’s entrepreneurship: A country-based comparison using fsQCA. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 7(3), 100223. ***
- Jaiswal, M., & Zane, L. (2022). National culture and attitudes' impact on diffusion of sustainable new technology-based products. New England Journal of Entrepreneurship.**
- Jiang, Y., & Huang, Y. (2023, September). How mumpreneurs achieve high entrepreneurial opportunity recognition and development: Evidence from China. In Women's Studies International Forum (Vol. 100, p. 102804). Pergamon. ***
- Linder, C., Moulick, A. G., & Lechner, C. (2022). Necessary Conditions and Theory-Method Compatibility in Quantitative Entrepreneurship Research. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 10422587221102103.*
- Manchiraju, S., Akbari, M., & Seydavi, M. (2023). Is entrepreneurial role stress a necessary condition for burnout? A necessary condition analysis. Current Psychology, 1-13. *
- Niessen, P. (2021). Identifikation von Resilienzindikatoren in produzierenden klein-und mittelständischen Unternehmen. Doctoral Dissertation. Available from TU Prints.
- Orozco, R., & Grundmann, P. (2022). Readiness for Innovation of Emerging Grass-Based Businesses. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 8(4), 180.*
- Torres, P., & Godinho, P. (2022). Levels of necessity of entrepreneurial ecosystems elements. Small Business Economics, 59, 29–45. ***
- Wei, X., & Chen, W. (2019). How Does A Firm’s Previous Social Network Position Affect Innovation? Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies. Sustainability, 11(4). *
- Yang, J., & Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P. (2022). Evolving appropriability–Variation in the relevance of appropriability mechanisms across industries. Technovation, 118, 102593.**
- Zheng, J., Shi, L., & Jiang, T. (2022). What mechanism design helps to realize the innovation function of maker-spaces: A qualitative comparative analysis based on fuzzy sets. PloS one, 17(9), e0274307. ***
Publications suggesting NCA for future research:
- Alon, I., Lankut, E., Gunkel, M., Munim, Z. H., Taras, V., & Richter, N. F. (2023). Predicting leadership emergence in global virtual teams. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 11(3).
- Dabić, M., Marzi, G., Vlačić, B., Daim, T. U., & Vanhaverbeke, W. (2021). 40 years of excellence: An overview of Technovation and a roadmap for future research. Technovation, 106, 102303.
- Koropogui, S. T., St-Jean, É., & Zakariya, S. (2023). Usefulness of Practice-Based Pedagogical Approaches for Nascent Student Entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, 25151274231207047.