Types of NCA

What is NCA?

What is bivariate necessary condition analysis?

What is multiple necessary condition analysis?

What is a “dichotomous” necessary condition analysis?

What is a “discrete” necessary condition analysis?

What is a “continuous” necessary condition analysis?


What is NCA?

NCA is a specific approach and data analysis technique for identifying necessary conditions in data sets. It distinguishes different types of necessary condition analyses.

What is bivariate necessary condition analysis?

A bivariate necessary condition analysis is a necessary condition analysis with one condition and one outcome

What is multiple necessary condition analysis?

A multiple necessary condition analysis is a necessary condition analysis with more than one conditions and one outcome. It consists of multuple bivariate necessary conditions analyses as the results of the analyses are indepentent of each other.

What is a “dichotomous" necessary condition analysis?

A “dichotomous” necessary condition is a necessary condition analysis in which the condition and/or the outcome is dichtomous.

What is a “discrete” necessary condition analysis?

A “discrete” necessary condition analysis is a necessary condition analysis in which the condition and/or the outcome is discrete with more than two levels .

What is a “continuous” necessary condition analysis?

A “continuous” necessary condition analysis is a  necessary condition analysis where both the condition and the outcome are (nearly continuous (very large or inifinity number of possible levels).