NCA ceiling techniques

What is a ceiling?

What is a floor?

What is a ceiling line?

What is a ceiling surface?

What is a ceiling technique?

What is the CE-FDH ceiling technique?

What is the CR-FDH ceiling technique?

What is the C-LP ceiling technique?

What is the CE-VRS ceiling technique?

What is the CR-VRS ceiling technique?


What is a ceiling?

A ceiling is the border between an empty space without observations and a full space with observations. This can be mathematically expressed as Y ≤ f(X), where Y is the outcome, X are the conditions, and f(X) is the ceiling function.

What is a floor?

A floor is the border between an empty space without observations and a full space with observations and that is mathematically expressed as Y ≥ f(X), where Y is the outcome, X are the conditions, and f(X) is the floor function.

What is a ceiling line?

A ceiling line is a ceiling in the two-dimensional space, where the ceiling function f(X) is a line.

What is a ceiling surface?

A ceiling surface is a ceiling in the three-dimensional space, where the ceiling function f(X) is a surface.

What is a ceiling technique?

A ceiling technique is a mathematical or statistical approach to approximate the ceiling (see table). In the NCA software package for R, the CE-FDH ceiling technique is the default ceiling technique for dichotomous and discrete (with few levels) necessary condition analysis or when a continuous ceiling is "jumpy". The CR-FDH ceiling technique is the default ceiling technique for discrete (with many levels) and continuous necessary condition analysis.

Common ceiling Techniques in NCA

Name in NCA software




Ceiling Envelopment with Free Disposal Hull



Ceiling Regression with Free Disposal Hull



Ceiling - Linear Programming



Ceiling Envelopment with Varying Return to Scale



Ceiling Regression with Varying Return to Scale


What is the CE-FDH ceiling technique?

The Ceiling Envelopment – Free Disposal Hull (CE-FDH ) ceiling technique is a ceiling approximation obtained from the Free Disposal Hull (FDH) data envelopment technique that assumes that the ceiling is non-decreasing, resulting in a non-decreasing step function. In the NCA software package for R, the CE-FDH ceiling technique is the default ceiling technique for dichotomous and discrete (with few values) necessary conditions or when the border is 'jumpy'.

What is the CR-FDH ceiling technique?

The Ceiling Regression - Free Disposal Hull (CR-FDH) ceiling technique is a ceiling approximation that smooths the step function obtained by the CE-FDH technique by using OLS regression through the upper-left corners of the step function. In the NCA software package for R, the CR-FDH ceiling technique is the default ceiling technique for discrete (with many values) and continuous necessary conditions.

What is the C-LP ceiling technique?

The Ceiling - Linear Programming (C-LP) ceiling technique is a ceiling approximation that selects two upper left points from the step function obtained by the CE-FDH such that the empty space is maximum. The ceiling accuracy of this line is 100%. It can be used for simulations when there is no measurement error in the data. 

What is the CE-VRS ceiling technique?

The Ceiling Envelopment - Varying Return to Scale (CE-VRS ) ceiling technique is a ceiling approximation obtained from Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) that assumes that the ceiling is convex, resulting in a piecewise linear convex ceiling function.

What is the CR-VRS ceiling technique?

The Ceiling Regression - Varying Return to Scale (CE-VRS ) ceiling technique is a ceiling approximation that smooths the piecewise linear function obtained by the CE-VRS technique by using OLS regression through the corners of the piecewise linear function.