

  • Manouchehrabadi, B., Letizia, P., & Hendrikse, G. (2022). Democratic versus elite governance for project selection decisions in executive committees. European Journal of Operational Research, 297(3), 1126-1138.


  • Mell, J. N., Jang, S., & Chai, S. (2021). Bridging temporal divides: Temporal brokerage in global teams and its impact on individual performance. Organization Science, 32(3), 731-751.,
  • Manouchehrabadi, B., Letizia, P., & Hendrikse, G. (2021). Governance of collective entrepreneurship. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 185, 370-389.
  • Li, J., Shemla, M., & Wegge, J. (2021). The Preventative Benefit of Group Diversification on Group Performance Decline: An Investigation with Latent Growth Models. Journal of Organizational Behavior.
  • Korman, B. A., Tröster, C., & Giessner, S. R. (2021). The Consequences of Incongruent Abusive Supervision: Anticipation of Social Exclusion, Shame, and Turnover Intentions. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 28(3), 306-321.
  • Knoll, M., Götz, M., Adriasola, A., Al-Atwi, AA., Arenas, A., Atitsogbe, KA., Barrett, S., Bhattacharjee, A., Blanco C., ND., Bogilovi?, S., Bollmann, G., Bosak, J., Bulut, C., Carter, M., Cerne, M., Chui, S., Di Marco, D., Duden, G., Elsey, V., ... Zacher, H. (2021). International Differences in Employee Silence Motives: Scale Validation, Prevalence, and Relationships with Culture Characteristics across 33 Countries. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42.
  • Knippenberg, D., Giessner, S., Sleebos, E., & Ginkel, W. (2021). A motivated information processing perspective on the antecedents of empowering leadership. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 51(2), 79-89.
  • Hewett, R., & Shantz, A. (2021). A theory of HR co-creation. Human Resource Management Review, 31(4).
  • Giessen, M., Langenbusch, C., Jacobs, G., & Cornelissen, J. (2021). Collective sensemaking in the local response to a grand challenge: Recovery, alleviation and change-oriented responses to a refugee crisis. Human Relations, 75(5), 903-930.
  • Connelly, CE., ?erne, M., Fieseler, C., Giessner, S., & Wong, SI. (2021). Working in the digitized economy: HRM theory & practice. Human Resource Management Review, 31(1), 1-7. Article 100762.
  • Clinton, ME., Hewett, R., Conway, N., & Poulter, D. (2021). Lost Control Driving Home: A Dual-Pathway Model of Self-Control Work Demands and Commuter Driving. Journal of Management, 48(4), 821-850.
  • Burmeister, A., Hirschi, A., & Zacher, H. (2021). Explaining age differences in the motivating potential of intergenerational contact at work. Work, Aging and Retirement, 7(3), 197-213.
  • Burmeister, A., Alterman, V., Fasbender, U., & Wang, M. (2021). Too much to know? The cognitive demands of daily knowledge seeking and the buffering role of coworker contact quality. Journal of Applied Psychology.


  • Zhang, Y. (2020). The Belt Road Initiative : Views from Chinese Eyes and European Eyes. In D. de Cremer, B. McKein, & J. McGuire (Eds.), The Belt Road Initiative: Opportunities and Challenges of a Chinese Economic Ambition SAGE Publishing Inc..
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  • Windsperger, J., Cliquet, G., Hendrikse, G., & Sreckovic, M. (2020). Network Innovation versus Innovation through Networks. Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 79-89.
  • Shemla, M., Kearney, E., Wegge, J., & Stegmann, S. (2020). Unlocking the performance potential of functionally diverse teams: The paradoxical role of leader mood. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 93(3), 530-55.
  • Reusen, E., & Stouthuysen, K. (2020). Trust transfer and partner selection in interfirm relationships. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 81, Article 101081.
  • Mulder, F., Giessner, S., & Caldas, M. (2020). Leadership: why many heads are better than one. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 2(2020).
  • Mell, J., DeChurch, L., Leenders, R., & Contractor, N. (2020). Identity Asymmetries: An Experimental Investigation of Social Identity and Information Exchange in Multiteam Systems. Academy of Management Journal, 63(5), 1561-1590.
  • Li, Y., Gong, Y., Burmeister, A., Wang, M., Alterman, V., Alonso, A., & Robinson, S. (2020). Leveraging age diversity for organizational performance: An intellectual capital perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(1), 71-91.
  • Lam, H., Giessner, S., & Shemla, M. (2020). Tips: Loneliness and working from home during the COVID-19 crisis. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge.
  • Kersemaekers, W., Vreeling, K., Verweij, H., van der Drift, M., Cillessen, L., Dierendonck, D., & Speckens, A. (2020). Effectiveness and Feasibility of a Mindful Leadership Course for Medical Specialists. BMC Medical Education, 20(1).
  • Giessner, S., Stam, D., Kerschreiter, R., Verboon, D., & Salama, I. (2020). Goal-setting reloaded: The influence of minimal and maximal goal standards on task satisfaction and goal striving after performance feedback. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 161, 228-241.
  • Ebersole, CR., Mathur, MB., Baranski, E., Bart-Plange, D., Buttrick, NR., Chartier, CR., Corker, KS., Corley, M., Hartshorne, JK., IJzerman, H., Lazarevic, LB., Rabagliati, H., Ropovik, I., Aczel, B., Aeschbach, LF., Andrighetto, L., Arnal, JD., Arrow, H., Babincak, P., ... et al., . (2020). Many Labs 5: Testing pre-data collection peer review as an intervention to increase replicability. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 3(3), 309-331.
  • Deng, W., Hendrikse, G., & Liang, Q. (2020). Internal Social Capital and the Life Cycle of Agricultural Cooperatives. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 31, 301-323.
  • de Jong, R., & Giessner, S. (2020). Responsible leadership: creating shared value. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 2(2020).
  • Clinton, ME., Conway, N., Sturges, J., & Hewett, R. (2020). Self-control during daily work activities and work-to-nonwork conflict. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 118, Article 103410.
  • Burmeister, A., Gerpott, FH., Hirschi, A., Scheibe, S., Pak, K., & Kooij, DTAM. (2020). Can older and younger colleagues work together effectively? RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge.
  • Burmeister, A., Gerpott, FH., Hirschi, A., Scheibe, S., Pak, K., & Kooij, DTAM. (2020). Reaching the heart or the mind? Test of two theory-based training programs to improve interactions between age-diverse coworkers. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 20(2), 1-30.
  • Burmeister, A., Wang, M., & Hirschi, A. (2020). Understanding the motivational benefits of knowledge transfer for older and younger workers in age-diverse coworker dyads: An actor-partner interdependence model. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(7), 748-759.
  • Bucher, J., Burmeister, A., Deller, J., & Osland, J. (2020). The influence of empowering leadership on repatriate knowledge transfer: Understanding mechanisms and boundary conditions. The International Journal of Human Resource Management.
  • Belschak, F., Jacobs, G., Giessner, S., Horton, K., & Bayerl, S. (2020). When the going gets tough: employee reactions to large-scale organizational change and the role of employee machiavellianism. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 41(9), 830-850.


  • Windsperger, J., Cliquet, G., Hendrikse, G., & Sreckovic, M. (2019). Design and Management of Interfirm Networks: An Introduction. In J. Windsperger, G. Cliquet, G. W. J. Hendrikse, & M. Sreckovic (Eds.), Design and Management of Interfirm Networks (pp. 1-9). Springer-Verlag.
  • Mori, A., & Koene, B. (2019). Continuity and discontinuity in collective representation. In R. Semenza, & F. Pichault (Eds.), The Challenges of Self-Employment in Europe - Status, Social Protection and Collective Representation (pp. 178-205). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Wegge, J., Jungbauer, K. L., & Shemla, M. (2019). When inspiration does not fit the bill: Charismatic leadership reduces performance in a team crisis for followers high in self-direction. Journal of Management and Organization, 1-18.
  • Vreeling, K., Kersemaekers, W., Cillessen, L., Dierendonck, D., & Speckens, A. (2019). How medical specialist experience the effects of a mindful leadership course on their leadership capabilities: a qualitative interview study in the Netherlands. BMJ Open, 9, Article e031643.
  • Spurk, D., Hofer, A., Burmeister, A., Muehlhausen, J., & Volmer, J. (2019). Occupational commitment from a life span perspective: An integrative review and a research outlook. Career Development International, 24(3), 190-221.
  • Sobral, F., Ng, E., Castanheira, F., Chambel, M., & Koene, B. (2019). Dealing with temporariness: Generational effects on temporary agency workers. Personnel Review, 49(2), 406-424.
  • Shemla, M. (2019). Pitfalls and potential: the hidden dangers and challenges of managing diversity. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge.
  • Rodriguez-Carvajal, R., Herrrero, M., Dierendonck, D., de Rivas, S., & Moreno, B. (2019). Servant Leadership and Goal Attainment through Meaningful Life and Vitality, a Diary Study. Journal of Happiness Studies, 20(2), 499-521.
  • Palanski, M., Newman, A., Leroy, H., Moore, C., Hannah, S., & Den Hartog, D. (2019). Quantitative Research on Leadership and Business Ethics: Examining the State of the Field and an Agenda for Future Research. Journal of Business Ethics, 109-119.
  • Monzani, L., Knoll, V., Giessner, S., van Dick, R., & Peiró, J. M. (2019). Between a rock and hard place: Combined effects of authentic leadership, organizational identification, and team prototypicality on managerial prohibitive voice. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 22(1), 1-20.
  • Kearney, E., Shemla, M., Knippenberg, D., & Scholz, F. (2019). A Paradox Perspective on the Interactive Effects of Visionary and Empowering Leadership. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 155, 20-30.
  • Hirschi, A., Steiner, R., Burmeister, A., & Leemington, C. (2019). A whole-life perspective of sustainable careers: The nature and consequences of nonwork orientations. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 117, Article 103319.
  • Hewett, R., Shantz, A., & Mundy, J. (2019). Information, beliefs and motivation: The antecedents to HR attributions. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 40(5), 570-586.
  • Hewett, R., & Leroy, H. (2019). Well it's only fair: How perceptions of manager discretion in bonus allocation affect intrinsic motivation. Journal of Management Studies, 56(6), 1105-1137.
  • Hendrikse, G. (2019). Prijsvorming. Aardappelwereld : magazine over aardappelen, 9-9.
  • Giessner, S., & Schubert, TW. (2019). Power and vertical positions in an organization chart: A pre-registered replication report of Study 3a and a modification of Study 1a, Giessner & Schubert (2007). Collabra: Psychology, 5(1).
  • Gerpott, FH., Fasbender, U., & Burmeister, A. (2019). Respectful leadership and followers’ knowledge sharing: A social mindfulness lens. Human Relations, 73(6), 789-810.
  • Fasbender, U., Burmeister, A., & Wang, M. (2019). Motivated to be socially mindful: Explaining age differences in the effect of employees' contact quality with coworkers on their coworker support. Personnel Psychology, 73(3), 407-430.
  • Eva, R., Robin, M., Sendjaya, S., Dierendonck, D., & Liden, R. (2019). Servant leadership: A systematic review and call for future research. The Leadership Quarterly, 30(1), 111-132.
  • Demerouti, E., Hewett, R., Haun, V., De Gieter, S., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., & Skakon, J. (2019). From job crafting to home crafting: A daily diary study among six European countries. Human Relations, 73(7).
  • Cha, S., Roberts, L., Hewlin, P., Buckman, B., Leroy, H., Steckler, E., Ostermeier, K., & Cooper, D. (2019). Being Your True Self at Work: Integrating the Fragmented Research on Authenticity in Organizations. The Academy of Management Annals, 13(2).
  • Burmeister, A., Li, Y., Wang, M., Shi, J., & Jin, Y. (2019). Team knowledge exchange: How and when does transformational leadership have an effect? Journal of Organizational Behavior, 41(1), 17-31.


  • Zhang, Y. (2018). Belt & Road Initiative: Views from the Chinese side and European side. CreateSpace Independent Publishing.
  • Zhang, Y. (2018). Business and educational entrepreneurship: purpose and future. In Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy-2018 (pp. 58-78). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Dierendonck, D. (2018). Building a people-oriented and servant-lead organization. In Practicing Servant Leadership. Developments in Implementation (pp. 169-186). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Dierendonck, D., & Patterson, K. (2018). Introduction. In Practicing Servant Leadership. Developments in Implementation (pp. 1-8). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Wong, SI., & Giessner, S. (2018). The thin line between empowering and laissez-faire leadership: An expectancy match perspective. Journal of Management, 44(2), 757-783.
  • Windsperger, J., Hendrikse, G., Cliquet, G., & Ehrmann, T. (2018). Governance and strategy of entrepreneurial networks: An introduction. Small Business Economics, 50(4), 671-676.
  • van Dick, R., Lemoine, JE., Steffens, N. K., Kerschreiter, R., Akfarit, SA., Avanzi, L., Dumont, K., Epitropaki, O., Giessner, S., & et al., . (2018). Identity Leadership Going Global: Validation of the Identity Leadership Inventory (ILI) across 20 Countries. Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology, 91(4), 697-728.
  • Toscano, H., Schubert, TW., & Giessner, S. (2018). Eye Gaze and Head Posture Jointly Influence Judgments of Dominance, Physical Strength, and Anger. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 42(3), 285-309.
  • Shemla, M., & Wegge, J. (2018). Managing diverse teams by enhancing team identification: The mediating role of perceived diversity. Human Relations, 72(4).
  • Sean, W., Simons, T., Leroy, H., & Tuleja, E. (2018). What's in it for me? Middle Manager Behavioral Integrity and Performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 150(3), 765-777.
  • Nishii, LH., Khattab, J., Shemla, M., & Paluch, R. M. (2018). A multi-level process model for understanding diversity practice effectiveness. The Academy of Management Annals, 12(1), 37-82.
  • Li, J., Meyer, B., Shemla, M., & Wegge, J. (2018). From Being Diverse to Becoming Diverse: A Dynamic Team Diversity Theory. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(8), 956-970.
  • Leroy, H., Segers, J., Dierendonck, D., & den Hartog, DN. (2018). Managing people in organizations: Integrating the Study of HRM and Leadership. Human Resource Management Review, 28(3), 249-324.
  • Keck, N., Giessner, S., Quaquebeke, N., & Kruijff, E. (2018). When do followers perceive their leaders as ethical? A relational models perspective of normatively appropriate conduct. Journal of Business Ethics, 164, 477-493.
  • Hoever, I., Zhou, J., & Knippenberg, D. (2018). Different strokes for different teams: The contingent effects of positive and negative feedback on the creativity of informationally homogeneous and diverse teams. Academy of Management Journal, 61(6), 2159-2181.,
  • Hewett, R., Liefooghe, A., Visockaite, G., & Roongrerngsuke, S. (2018). Bullying at Work: Cognitive Appraisal of Negative Acts, Coping, Wellbeing, and Performance. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 23(1), 71-84.
  • Gericke, D., Burmeister, A., Loewe, J., Pundt, L., & Deller, J. (2018). How do refugees use their social capital for successful labor market integration? An exploratory analysis in Germany. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 105(April), 45-61.
  • Effron, DA., O'Conner, K., Leroy, H., & Lucas, B. (2018). From Inconsistency to Hypocrisy: When Does “Saying One Thing But Doing Another” Invite Condemnation? Research in Organizational Behavior, 38, 61-75.
  • Deng, W., & Hendrikse, G. (2018). Social Interactions and Product Quality: The Value of Pooling in Cooperative Entrepreneurial Networks. Small Business Economics, 50(4), 749-761.
  • Burmeister, A., Fasbender, U., & Deller, J. (2018). Being perceived as a knowledge sender or knowledge receiver: A multi-study investigation of the effect of age on knowledge transfer. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 91(3), 518-545.
  • Burmeister, A., Gerpott, FH., & Fasbender, U. (2018). Consequences of knowledge hiding: The differential compensatory effects of guilt and shame. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 92(2), 281-304.
  • Burmeister, A., van der Heijden, BIJM., Yang, J., & Deller, J. (2018). Knowledge transfer in age-diverse co-worker dyads in China and Germany: How and when do age-inclusive HR practices have an effect? Human Resource Management Journal, 28(4), 605-620.
  • Burmeister, A., Lazarova, MB., & Deller, J. (2018). Repatriate knowledge transfer: Antecedents and boundary conditions of a dyadic process. Journal of World Business, 53(6), 806-816.


  • Knippenberg, D., & Mell, J. (2017). Team diversity and learning in organizations. In L. Argote, & J. Levine (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Group and Organizational Learning (pp. 475–490). Oxford University Press.
  • Hewett, R., Shantz, A., Mundy, J., & Alfes, K. (2017). Attribution theories in Human Resource Management research: a review and research agenda. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(1), 87-126.