
Academic Publications

  • van de Vrande, V., & Kuiper, C. (2024). How Corporate Venturing Adds Value to Open Innovation. In H. Chesbrough, J. West, W. Vanhaverbeke, & A. Radziwon (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Open Innovation Oxford University Press.

  • Criaco, G., & Naldi, L. (2024). A chip off the old block: Founders' prior experience and the geographic diversification of export sales in international new ventures. Journal of Business Venturing39(1), Article 106343.

  • Sabel, C. A., & Sasson, A. (2023). Full and Partitioned Human Capital Redeployment and Business Unit Exit. In Academy of Management Proceedings (1 ed., Vol. 2023). Academy of Management.

  • Xu, L., Yang, S., Liu, Y., Newbert, S. L., & Boal, K. (2023). Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Exploring the Impact of Inter- and Intra-Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Embeddedness on New Venture Creation. Academy of Management Journal66(6), 1954-1982.

  • Dizdarevic, A., van de Vrande, V., & Jansen, J. (2023). When opposites attract: a review and synthesis of corporate-startup collaboration. Industry and Innovation

  • Di Lorenzo, F., & Sabel, C. A. (2023). Corporate Venture Capital and Startup Outcomes: The Roles of Investment Timing and Multiple Corporate Investors. Industry and Innovation

  • Subramanian, A. M., Nishant, R., Van De Vrande, V., & Hang, C. C. (2022). Technology transfer from public research institutes to SMEs: A configurational approach to studying reverse knowledge flow benefits. Research Policy51(10), Article 104602.

  • Cavallo, A., Burgers, H., Ghezzi, A., & van de Vrande, V. (2022). The evolving nature of open innovation governance: A study of a digital platform development in collaboration with a big science centre. Technovation116, Article 102370.

  • Criaco, G., van Oosterhout, J., & Nordqvist, M. (2021). Is blood always thicker than water? Family firm parents, kinship ties, and the survival of spawns. Journal of Business Venturing36(6), Article 106161.

  • Criaco, G., Naldi, L., & Zahra, S. A. (2021). Founders’ Prior Shared International Experience, Time to First Foreign Market Entry, and New Venture Performance. Journal of Management

  • Liu, Y., & Maula, M. (2021). Contextual status effects: The performance effects of host-country network status and regulatory institutions in cross-border venture capital. Research Policy50(5).

  • Naldi, L., Criaco, G., & Patel, PC. (2020). Related and unrelated industry variety and the internationalization of start-ups. Research Policy49(10), Article 104050.

  • Micheli, M. R., Berchicci, L., & Jansen, J. J. P. (2020). Leveraging diverse knowledge sources through proactive behaviour: How companies can use inter-organizational networks for business model innovation. Creativity and Innovation Management29(2), 198-208.

  • di Lorenzo, F., & van de Vrande, V. (2019). Tapping into the knowledge of incumbents: The role of corporate venture capital investments and inventor mobility. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal13(1), 24-46.

  • Jansen, J., & van de Vrande, V. (2018). Is it better to look inside or outside for innovation? RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge33(1), 8-10.

  • Ahmadi, S., Khanagha, S., Berchicci, L., & Jansen, J. (2017). Are Managers Motivated to Explore in the Face of a New Technological Change? The Role of Regulatory Focus, Fit, and Complexity of Decision-Making. Journal of Management Studies54(2), 209-237.

  • Liu, Y., & Maula, M. (2016). Local Partnering in Foreign Ventures: Uncertainty, Experiential Learning, and Syndication in Cross-Border Venture Capital Investments. Academy of Management Journal59(4), 1407-1429.

  • Burgers, H., & van de Vrande, V. (2016). Who is the corporate entrepreneur? Insights from opportunity discovery and creation theory. In Handbook of Research on Corporate Entrepreneurship Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • Berchicci, L., de Jong, PJ., & Feel, M. (2015). Remote collaboration and innovative performance: the moderating role of R&D intensity. Industrial and Corporate Change25(3), 429-446.

    Berchicci, L., Tucci, C., & Zazzara, C. (2014). The influence of industry downturns on the propensity of product vs. process innovation (forthcoming). Industrial and Corporate Change23(2), 429-465.

  • Brunswicker, S., & van de Vrande, V. (2014). Exploring Open Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. In H. Chesbrough, W. Vanhaverbeke, & J. West (Eds.), Exploring the next wave of open innovation research Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • Berchicci, L. (2014). Why external R&D collaboration is not always good for business. RSM Insight17(1), 12-13.

  • van de Vrande, V. (2013). Walking the knowledge tightrope. RSM Insight15(3), 16-17.

  • van de Vrande, V. (2013). Balancing your technology-sourcing portfolio: How sourcing mode diversity enhances innovative performance. Strategic Management Journal34(5), 610-621.

  • Berchicci, L. (2013). Towards an open R&D system: internal R&D investment, external knowledge acquisition and innovative performance. Research Policy42(1), 117-127.

  • van de Vrande, V., & Vanhaverbeke, W. (2012). How prior corporate venture capital investments shape technological alliances: A real options approach. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice37(5), 1019-1043.

  • Berchicci, L., Dowell, G., & King, AA. (2012). Environmental Capabilities and Corporate Strategy: Exploring Acquisitions Among US Manufacturing Firms. Strategic Management Journal33(9), 1053-1071.

  • van de Vrande, V., Vanhaverbeke, W., & Duysters, GM. (2011). Technology In-Sourcing and the Creation of Pioneering Technologies. Journal of Product Innovation Management28(6), 974-987.

  • van de Vrande, V., Vanhaverbeke, W., & Duysters, GM. (2011). Additivity and complementarity in external technology sourcing: The added value of corporate venture capital investments. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management58(3), 483-496.

  • van de Vrande, V., & de Man, AP. (2011). A response to "Is open innovation a field of study or a communication barrier to theory development?". Technovation31(4), 185-186.

  • Berchicci, L. (2011). Heterogeneity and intensity of R&D partnership in Italian manufacturing firms. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management58(4), 674-687.

  • Berchicci, L., King, AA., & Tucci, CL. (2011). Does the Apple Always Fall Close to the Tree? The Geographic Proximity Choice of Spinouts. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal5(2), 120-136.

  • van de Vrande, V., Vanhaverbeke, W., & Gassmann, O. (2010). Broadening the scope of open innovation: past research, current state and future directions. International Journal of Technology Management52(3/4), 221-235.

  • van de Vrande, V., Jong, JPJ., Vanhaverbeke, W., & de Rochemont, M. (2009). Open Innovation in SMEs: Trends, Motives and Management Challenges. Technovation29(6/7), 423-437.

  • van de Vrande, V., Vanhaverbeke, W., & Duysters, GM. (2009). External technology sourcing: the effect of uncertainty on governance mode choice. Journal of Business Venturing24(1), 62-80.

  • Vanhaverbeke, W., van de Vrande, V., & Chesbrough, HW. (2008). Understanding the advantages of open innovation practices in corporate venturing in terms of real options. Creativity and Innovation Management17(4), 251-258.

  • van de Vrande, V., Lemmens, C., & Vanhaverbeke, W. (2006). Choosing governance modes for external technology sourcing. R and D Management36(3), 347-363.

Administrative Publications

Contains the teaching case 'Ganong Bros. Limited'