Family businesses invited to ECFB dinner discussion

What is the difference between having a family versus a non-family executive in the family firm? Family businesses are warmly invited to attend a round-table dinner meeting on Thursday, 28 November to probe this question. The dinner is hosted by the Erasmus Centre for Family Business (ECFB).

The ECFB, based at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) specializes in research, ideas and information concerning topics that really matter to family-run firms in the Netherlands and elsewhere. Each round-table meeting presents recent research that is discussed by researchers and their guests in an interactive manner. Guests are those who are currently leading family businesses, and those expecting to lead them in the future. November’s meeting will focus on the change of course in family businesses after the company manager has stepped down.

 "Bringing non-family executives into the family firm provides both risks and rewards", says Dr. Vanessa Strike who will present research on this topic. "For example, owners may feel they lose the family culture and values, compensation issues may arise or they may lose personal and financial privacy. Yet, external executives may bring in expertise, networks, growth opportunities, and leadership transition skills that may not otherwise be available to the family. Emerging research looking at the differences between family and non-family CEOs suggests that non-family CEOs may make strategic decisions differently than their family counterparts, especially when looking at long-term decisions that may affect the family firm beyond the current generation". These issues will be explored in more detail during the interactive round table dinner.  

 A limited number of places are available for family business members wishing to join the dinner and debate, to be held Thursday, 28 November. The introduction will be given by Professor Vanessa Strike, (Scientific Director ECFB), and the discussion during dinner will be led by Professor Hans van Oosterhout (Professor of Corporate Governance & Responsibility), both from RSM.

If you would like to attend, please contact Ms. Janneke Suijker, ECFB Secretariat at +31 (0)10 ­‐4081405 or email