

  • Veenman, D., & Verwijmeren, P. (2021). The earnings expectations game and the dispersion anomaly. Management Science, 68(4), 3129-3149.
  • Dutordoir, M., Vagenas-Nanos, E., Verwijmeren, P., & Wu, B. (2021). A rundown of merger target run-ups. Financial Management - FM, 50(2), 487-518.
  • Dai, Y., Gryglewicz, S., & Smit, H. (2021). Less Popular But More Effective Toeholds in Corporate Takeovers. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 56(1), 283-312.
  • Bongaerts, D., Mazzola, F., & Wagner, W. (2021). Closed for business: The mortality impact of business closures during the Covid-19 pandemic. PLoS ONE, 16(5), e0251373. Article e0251373.
  • Bae, J., Biddle, G., & Park, C. (2021). Managerial Learning from Analyst Feedback to Voluntary Capex Guidance, Investment Efficiency, and Firm Performance. Management Science, 68(1), 583-607.
  • Aleksanyan, M., Hao, Z., Vagenas-Nanos, E., & Verwijmeren, P. (2021). Do state visits affect cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Journal of Corporate Finance, 66, Article 101800.
  • Fons-Rosen, C., Kalemli-Ozcan, S., Sorensen, B., Villegas-Sanchez, C., & Volosovych, V. (2021). Quantifying Productivity Gains from Foreign Investment.



  • Koning, M., Mertens, G., & Roosenboom, P. (2019). Auditor selection and IPO underpricing. In Cumming, D., & Johan, S. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on IPOs Oxford University Press.
  • Jiao, T., Giudici, G., & Roosenboom, P. (2019). Survival of Initial Public Offerings on Europe’s new stock markets. In Cumming, D., & Johan, S. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on IPOs Oxford University Press.
  • Igan, D., & Lambert, T. (2019). Bank Lobbying: Regulatory Capture and Beyond. In Emilios Avgouleas, & David Donald (Eds.), The Political Economy of Financial Regulation (pp. 129-159). Cambridge University Press.
  • Belleflamme, P., Lambert, T., & Schwienbacher, A. (2019). Effets de réseau et financement participatif : une analyse empirique. In François Moreau, & Yann Nicolas (Eds.), Financement participative : une voie d'avenir pour la culture ? (pp. 23-46). Presses de Sciences Po.
  • Vishwanathan, P., Oosterhout, H., Heugens, P., Duran Solis, PA., & Essen, M. (2019). Strategic CSR: a concept building meta-analysis. Journal of Management Studies, 57(2), 314-350.
  • Urban, D. (2019). The effects of culture on CEO power: International evidence from executive turnover. Journal of Banking and Finance, 104, 50-69.
  • Roosenboom, P. (2019). Craftbeer: tussen servet en tafellaken. Het Financieele Dagblad.
  • Roosenboom, P. (2019). Engelen van de Nederlandse innovatie. Elsevier Weekblad.
  • Roosenboom, P. (2019). Invest-NL staatsfonds: Geen financier? Dan schiet Bos wel te hulp. Unknown.
  • Roosenboom, P. (2019). Nieuw investeringsfonds voor startende bedrijven: 'Geen financier? Wouter Bos schiet wel te hulp'. Unknown.
  • Roosenboom, P. (2019). Private equity verovert kinderopvang. NRC Handelsblad.
  • Roosenboom, P. (2019). SP, GroenLinks en PvdA: verbied winstuitkering uit kinderopvang. Trouw.
  • Holzhacker, MK., Kramer, S., Matejka, M., & Hoffmeister, N. (2019). Relative Target Setting and Cooperation. Journal of Accounting Research, 57(1), 211-239.
  • Hoffmann, F., Inderst, R., & Ottaviani, M. (2019). Persuasion through Selective Disclosure: Implications for Marketing, Campaigning, and Privacy Regulation. Management Science, accepted.
  • Gan, Y., & Qiu, B. (2019). Escape from the USA: Government debt-to-GDP ratio, country tax competitiveness, and US-OECD cross-border M&As. Journal of International Business Studies, 50, 1156-1183.
  • Essen, M., Heugens, P., Duran, P., Saleh, SF., Sauerwald, S., Oosterhout, H., & Xie, E. (2019). How concentrated owners improve the performance of Asian firms: Filling voids or imposing effective governance? The Multinational Business Review, 28(1), 39-63.
  • Denis, D., Jochem, T., & Rajamani, A. (2019). Shareholder Governance and Executive Compensation: The Peer Effects of Say on Pay. The Review of Financial Studies, 33(7), Article hhz104.
  • Closset, F., & Urban, D. (2019). The balance of power between creditors and the firm: Evidence from German Insolvency Law. Journal of Corporate Finance, 58, 454-477.
  • Caggese, A., Cunat, V., & Metzger, D. (2019). Firing the Wrong Workers: Financing Constraints and Labor Misallocation. Journal of Financial Economics, 133(3), 589-607.
  • Antoni, M., Maug, E., & Obernberger, S. (2019). Private equity and human capital risk. Journal of Financial Economics, 133(3), 634-657.
  • Ahmad, F., & Lambert, T. (2019). Collective Bargaining and Mergers and Acquisitions Activity around the World. Journal of Banking and Finance, 99, 21-44.


  • Roosenboom, P. (2018). Harvesting: The exit. In Andreoli, J., & Alemany, L. (Eds.), Entrepreneurial Finance: The Art and Science of Growing Ventures (pp. 530-561). Cambridge University Press.
  • Lambert, T., & Volpin, P. (2018). Endogenous Political Institutions and Financial Development. In T. Beck, & R. Levine (Eds.), Handbook of Finance and Development (pp. 477-500). Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Lambert, T., Ralcheva, A., & Roosenboom, P. (2018). The crowd-entrepreneur relationship in start-up financing. In Cumming, D., & Hornhuf, L. (Eds.), The Economics of Crowdfunding (pp. 57-78). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Jong, A., & Driel, H. (2018). Case Studies. In M. Blum, & C. L. Colvin (Eds.), An Economist’s Guide to Economic History (pp. 365-370). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Veld, C., Verwijmeren, P., & Zabolotnyuk, Y. (2018). Wealth effects of seasoned equity offerings: A meta-analysis. International Review of Finance, Accepted.
  • Veenman, D., & Verwijmeren, P. (2018). Do investors fully unravel persistent pessimism in analysts' earnings forecasts? The Accounting Review, 93(3), 349-377.
  • Roosenboom, P. (2018). Private equity casht nu het nog kan. Het Financieele Dagblad.
  • Roosenboom, P., & Zhang, E. (2018). Vroegtijdige lobby leidt tot snellere afronding overname bedrijf. Het Financieele Dagblad.
  • Pruijssers, J., Heugens, P., & Oosterhout, H. (2018). Winning at a losing game? Side-effects of perceived tournament promotion incentives in audit firms. Journal of Business Ethics, 162, 149-167.
  • Lander, M., Oosterhout, H., Heugens, P., & Pruijssers, J. (2018). Career stage dependent effects of law firm governance: A multilevel study of professional-client misconduct. Human Relations, 72(9), 1497-1529.
  • Lambert, T. (2018). Lobbying on Regulatory Enforcement Actions: Evidence from U.S. Commercial and Savings Banks. Management Science, 65(6), 2545-2572.
  • Koning, M., Mertens, G., & Roosenboom, P. (2018). Drivers of institutional change around the world: The case of IFRS. Journal of International Business Studies, 49(3), 249-271.
  • Grundy, B., & Verwijmeren, P. (2018). The buyers’ perspective on security design: Hedge funds and convertible bond call provisions. Journal of Financial Economics, 127(1), 77-93.
  • Fidrmuc, J., Roosenboom, P., & Zhang, E. (2018). Antitrust merger review costs and acquirer lobbying. Journal of Corporate Finance, 51(August), 72-97.
  • Erkens, M., Gan, Y., & Yurtoglu, B. (2018). Not all clawbacks are the same: Consequences of strong vs. weak clawback provisions. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 66(1), 291-317.
  • Birkhäuser, S., Kaserer, C., & Urban, D. (2018). Did UEFA's Financial Fair Play harm competition in European football leagues? Review of Managerial Science, 13(1), 113-145.
  • Bach, L., & Metzger, D. (2018). How close are close Shareholder Votes? The Review of Financial Studies, 32(8), 3183-3214.
  • Adams, R., Akyol, A., & Verwijmeren, P. (2018). Director skill sets. Journal of Financial Economics, 130(3), 641-662.


  • Chen, C., Dollevoet, T., & Zhao, J. (2017). One-block train formation in large-scale railway networks: An exact model and a tree-based decomposition algorithm. (Econometric Institute Report Series EI2017-32 ed.) Econometric Institute.