P.S.M. (Philine) van Overbeeke

Philine van Overbeeke
Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
ERIM PhD Candidate (parttime programme)
Affiliated since 2019

Philine is academic researcher and lecturer at the Business-Society Management Department at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. Besides her research and teaching she works part-time on a PhD in Management on the topic of volunteer management. Philine holds a BSc in Business administration and a MSc in Gobal Business & Sustainability, both obtained at RSM. Her MSc thesis focussed on the value of volunteers for UNICEF the Netherlands. In her PhD projects she will expand this research with the overarching question: How do volunteers create value-added for different stakeholders. In answering this question, attention is given to third-party models and volunteer inclusion.

Philine teaches several courses on the BSc and MSc level, including courses on nonprofit management, economics of nonprofits, value of volunteer organizations, inclusive leadership, social consultancy and qualitative research methods. She also coaches several theses and research projects with a focus on CSR, volunteer management and related topics.

PhD Track The Value of Volunteers

Volunteers and paid staff can be alike in many ways, however there is always one important difference: volunteers are not paid wages by the organization. As a result, the relationship between the organization and the volunteer is fundamentally different from the relationship between paid staff and volunteers. These differences are visible in for example the psychological contract, motivation, job attitude, organizational behaviour and created value.


The current discourse about volunteer value mainly focusses on two topics: benefits for the volunteer and cost savings for the volunteer involving organization (the organization where volunteers perform their volunteering tasks). Ample research shows the benefits of volunteering for the person doing it. Multiple ways have been created to calculate the cost saving value of volunteers, so that organizations or countries can show a volunteer’s value and make decisions about hiring paid staff or volunteers for certain positions. However, scant research shows that volunteer can create a lot more value in different ways. For example, volunteers can create value for society. Moreover, organizations benefit in other ways than saving costs from having volunteers as well. Furthermore, beneficiaries see a lot of value in volunteers, and scholars even started to research the value of third-party models showing that both the home (where volunteers are recruited) and host (where volunteers are sent to) organizations benefit from the volunteering activities. In this research proposal I introduce my ideas for a dissertation that aims to contribute to contemporary literature by researching volunteering using a value-based approach as opposed to a cost-saving approach that is used in the literature currently. In my research, I want to focus on the value of volunteers for organizations (home and host) and society as a whole. Though I will touch upon all types of value in exploring this topic further. The broader question I am aiming to answer is: “What is the value of volunteers to organizations and society?”


My first paper will be a conceptual paper regarding value creation in general, focussing on the positive and negative values created by volunteers. The second (qualitative) study dives deeper into the value of volunteers and shows that not everyone can benefit from the individual values, which I claim is undesirable, since the sum of all these individual values is what creates value for society. The study proposes strategies to make volunteering more inclusive, resulting in more value for society and home organizations. In my third (qualitative) paper I will research the value of indirect service volunteers. This study will show that even when volunteers are not in direct contact with their beneficiaries, they do in fact create value for the organization.


The fourth and fifth paper both combine forms of third-party volunteering and involved learning, which are often used to achieve certain goals within the home organization (e.g. learning, development, employee engagement, employee commitment, corporate reputation). In these papers I want to dive deeper in the value volunteers create for their home organization. In the fourth (quantitative) study, I will research a form transformative learning theory combined with corporate volunteering to uncover design decisions for a corporate volunteering programme that positively transforms employees’ world view and thus maximizes value creation. The study will focus on the value of this form of volunteering to the organization and reaching organizational goals. In the fifth (mixed method) paper, I will research Service-Learning programmes and the value the participants create for the higher education institute. I am specifically interested in the value this form of volunteering creates for the home organization and want to examine whether these are similar to those of a corporate volunteering programme.

Time frame
2019 -


  • Academic (7)
    • Hoedemakers, J., de Bruin Cardoso, I., van Overbeeke, P., & Meijs, L. (2024). Instead of with a rowboat, search for the north star by navigating a sailboat through turbulent times. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, 29(3), Article e1873. https://doi.org/10.1002/nvsm.1873

    • de Reeder, A., Hendriks, P., Plug - van der Plas, H., Zweers, D., van Overbeeke, P. S. M., Gravendeel, J., Kruimer, J. W. H., van der Meer, R. W., & Burgmans, M. C. (2023). Sustainability within interventional radiology: opportunities and hurdles. CVIR Endovascular, 6(1), Article 16. https://doi.org/10.1186/s42155-023-00362-1

    • Koolen-Maas, S. A., Meijs, L. C. P. M., van Overbeeke, P. S. M., & Brudney, J. L. (2023). Rethinking Volunteering as a Natural Resource: A Conceptual Typology. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 52(1_suppl), 353S-377S. https://doi.org/10.1177/08997640221127947

    • van Overbeeke, P., Koolen - Maas, S., Meijs, L., & Brudney, JL. (2022). You Shall (Not) Pass: Strategies for Third-Party Gatekeepers to Enhance Volunteer Inclusion. Voluntas, 33(1), 33-45. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11266-021-00384-0

    • Preradović, N. M., Čalić, M., & van Overbeeke, P. S. M. (2022). Rural 3.0: A Case Study of University– Community Engagement Through Rural Service-Learning in Croatia. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 26(1), 117-128.

    • Meijs, L. C. P. M., Geers, I., Maas, S., & van Overbeeke, P. (2022). The segmentation of volunteering. Voluntaris, 10(1), 155. https://doi.org/10.5771/2196-3886-2022-1

    • Brudney, JL., Meijs, L., & van Overbeeke, P. (2019). More is less? The volunteer stewardship framework and models. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 30(1), 69-87. https://doi.org/10.1002/nml.21358

  • Academic (1)
    • van Overbeeke, P., & Ouacha, M. (2022). The value of diasporic cross-border philanthropy and voluntourism. In K. Biekart, & A. Fowler (Eds.), A Research Agenda for Civil Society (pp. 173-187). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800378155.00021

  • Popular (4)
    • Meijs, L., Yan Man, W., & van Overbeeke, P. (2020). Burn-out en bore-out bij vrijwilligers voorkomen?. Web publication/site, Sportknowhow XL.

    • Meijs, L., van Overbeeke, P., & Simons, FJ. (2018). tipping tractors in het vrijwilligerswerk. Web publication/site, Sportknowhow XL.

    • Meijs, L., & van Overbeeke, P. (2017). Vrijwilligers maken de waarde. Web publication/site, Sportknowhow XL.

    • Meijs, L., & van Overbeeke, P. (2016). Wat leiders kunnen leren van vrijwilligerswerk. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties.

  • Professional (5)
    • Meijs, L., Hoedemakers, J., & van Overbeeke, P. (2021). We hebben weer hofnarren nodig om tegenkracht te bieden.. Web publication/site, Sociale Vraagstukken : Wetenschappers & professionals over maatschappelijke kwesties. https://www.socialevraagstukken.nl/we-hebben-weer-hofnars-nodig-om-tegenkracht-te-bieden/

    • Meijs, L., & van Overbeeke, P. (2019). Beroepskrachten en vrijwilligers: communicerende vaten?. Web publication/site, sportknowhowXL.

    • Meijs, L., & van Overbeeke, P. (2019). De vereniging als een vrijwilligersmagneet. Web publication/site, sportknowhowXL.

    • Meijs, L., & van Overbeeke, P. (2018). De sportvereniging is nodig om goed burgerschap te oefenen. (blog).. Web publication/site, sportknowhowXL.

    • Meijs, L., van Overbeeke, P., & Simons, FJ. (2018). Benader de ‘nu-niet-vrijwilliger’ als een fruitmachine.. Web publication/site, sportknowhowXL.


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Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam

Postal address

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3000 DR Rotterdam