Governance of Cooperatives

A cooperative consists of a society of members and an enterprise, where the former owns the latter. This course addresses which society of members (investors, suppliers, buyers, employees, a family, the government, …) creates most value with the enterprise. The sources of superior value creation in a cooperative reside in the organization of the society of members, the relationship between the society of members and the cooperative enterprise, and the commitment in the competitive process.

Learning goals: Explain, apply and redesign

Assessment: Assignment

Readings/Literature: A selection of articles from the scientific literature.

Workload (in hours): 1 EC = 28 hours

  • Online/on campus sessions: 9 hours
  • Required literature: 38 hours
  • Assignment/exam: 9 hours

Course fee: € 500.


  • ERIM Full-time PhD candidates register free of charge directly via Osiris.
  • Non-ERIM members register via Osiris. Payment can be done by direct payment or invoice.

Contact Information

Course Information

  • Dates:  23, 25 & 26 June
  • Time: 14:00-17:00

  • Course fee: € 500

free of charge for ERIM PhD candidates