IPSERA Summer School: Theories for Purchasing and Supply Management Research Summer School

• Analysing the historic development of the PSM research field
• Understanding the differences and similarities between contributing mono-disciplines to PSM research
• Knowing the main theoretical frameworks from the respective disciplines, and their respective contributions and limitations
• Being able to identify appropriate theories for addressing new research questions
In this IPSERA Summer School, the emphasis is in educating participants on the (classical) management theories suited for studying research questions related to Purchasing and Supply Management. Since the 1960s, Purchasing and Supply Management (PSM) has developed from a predominantly administrative process into a strategic function of the firm. While one could argue that the academic literature has reflected developments in practice, or perhaps even has helped stimulate some of these developments, there is still debate how one could best define what exactly constitutes PSM research. It is our view, based on the developments PSM research has gone through the five decades since its emergence in the 1960s, that PSM research is most appropriately seen as a multi-disciplinary field. Acknowledging this diversity, and mapping the patterns of prevalence and influence over time, could help raise our understanding of the historical development of PSM research, and may provide helpful insights regarding future development opportunities.
Each of the six interactive lectures (sessions) will be hosted by a different faculty member. Faculty consists of international top scholars both from the PSM field itself, but also from contributing disciplines, primarily Strategy & Organisation, Marketing and Operations Management.
Participants will be critically reviewing various publications, and will need to present their evaluations (in teams). The final assignment, for those that wish to collect the official course credits, consists of an individual literature review paper, discussing the theory (theories) that have been used for addressing the research questions that the participant will take up in his/her dissertation project.
Various journal articles. To be made available upon registration.
Additional info
Admission and registration
All participants are expected to be engaged in doctoral studies (fulltime or part-time), or to have just completed their PhD degree.
Additional entry requirements:
• Doctoral students are ideally in year 1 or 2 of their doctoral studies
• No specific training or prior expertise in data analysis is required, but the participant does need to have a basic understanding of empirical research methods.
Please submit the following documents to the course coordinator Prof. dr. Finn Wynstra by the registration deadline 19 April 2024.
• proof you are registered as PhD student, or have already obtained a PhD degree (e.g. by providing a link to a university personal page);
• a one page motivation letter; describing your research and your motivation to participate in the course.
• a completed registration form
Your registration for the course is final only after the registration has been accepted by the course coordination. The maximum number of participants is set at 20, to ensure sufficient room for interaction.
Special offerings:
This IPSERA Summer School is sponsored by the International Purchasing and Supply Educations and Research Association (IPSERA) and the Dutch Purchasing Management Association (NEVI). This enables us to offer two dinners, and lunches on each of the four days of the programme. Also, this sponsorship provides a number of bursaries, which cover the registration fee (€ 750) and travel cost (up to € 250). On the registration form, participants can tick a box to indicate that they would apply for the bursary. In order to apply, participants must add a letter with information about their a) financial constraints for attending the summer school on other monetary sources and b) some estimate on the travel costs, and this letter needs to be signed by their supervisor. By applying for the bursary, you agree that this information will be shared with the IPSERA Executive Committee (GDPR requirement). Selected candidates will be informed two weeks after the application deadline.
- 25 June 2024: 12:30 - 17:00
- 26 June 2024: 09:00 - 17:00
- 27 June 2024: 09:00 - 17:00
- 28 June 2024: 09:00 - 12:30
To download the timetable of this course, please click here. The timetable is in the local time of Rotterdam, which is CEST (UTC+02:00).
This course is held on Campus. All the sessions will take place in Langeveld 2.18.