
1. Purpose

The strategic purpose of the ERIM Journals List is to contribute to the quality of the scientific output of ERIM and to the academic reputation of the institute. The ERIM Journals List (EJL) helps to define the core domain of ERIM and provides direction as to the type of publications that ERIM would like to produce. The practical purpose is to guarantee to the ERIM members and aspirant members that publications in the journals of the EJL will qualify for membership.

2. Non-exclusivity

The EJL is believed to cover the whole field of research in management, as far as the ERIM research programmes are concerned. This does not imply that no credit will be given for publications in journals that are not on the EJL. It is impossible to make an exhaustive list of all the journals in the domain of research in management. ERIM members may also publish in journals outside the core domain of research in management. Also for such publications, credit can be given within ERIM (see 6).

3. Principles of EJL

The ERIM journals list is based on judgment by peers and (ISI) impact scores.

4. The ERIM Journals List

The EJL consists of two sub lists: the Primary Set of ERIM journals and the Secondary Set of ERIM journals.

Primary Set

The primary set (P journals) contains the best journals in the field of management. There is a list of such journals that cover the whole field of research in management, and there are lists for each of the domains of management represented in ERIM research programmes.

A subset of the journals in the Primary Set, the so called STAR journals (P*), is considered to contain the real top ones among the best journals in the field. These STAR journals are widely considered as truly distinctive. All the ERIM STAR journals are listed in the ISI Journal Citation Reports (JCR).

A second subset of the journals in the Primary Set are not (yet) listed in the ISI Journal Citation Reports (JCR) but are expected to receive such a listing in the near future. These "non-ISI journals" are labelled as "P Aspirant" (P A) in the ERIM Journals list. P A journals will be transferred to the Secondary Set in the ERIM Journals list unless ISI coverage with a sufficiently high impact factor has been attained with the next update. Publications in the P A journals count as primary publications for ERIM membership.

A third subset of the journals in the Primary Set is the category for Top Managerial Journals (M STAR or M*). In this way ERIM clearly differentiates between true research journals and these more managerially relevant journals. This category of the list fits the importance attached to managerial relevance as part of ERIM's focus on dual impact (both academic and societal managerial impact).

Secondary Set

These journals are scientific refereed journals of a recognized academic reputation that do not reach the quality levels of the Primary Set, however. These journals stand for solid, mainstream work in research of management and papers in these journals count as qualifiers for ERIM membership.

Secondary Set (3=1)

Within the secondary list, a 3=1 category is distinguished. Mainly Dutch journals belong to this group. Three or more publications in EJL (3=1) journals count for 1 EJL S publication (see also ERIM Membership Charter).

5. Benefits from ERIM membership

These benefits are described in the ERIM Membership Charter. ERIM Members with high performance on the Primary List will be entitled to extra benefits.

6. Publications in non - EJL journals (Non-core journals)

Publications in non-EJL journals can be declared equivalent to publications in EJL. A journal classifies as ‘EJL equivalent’ if:

(A) it is included in the Thomson Reuters (ISI) Web of Science (WOS) in the (Social) Science Citation Index (SCI / SSCI journal) and

(B) the journal's impact factor is such that it ranks at least in the highest quartile (highest 25%) of the most relevant ISI Subject Category (averaged over the last five years). This is called the "Non core ISI 1st Quartile"-category. If a journal is listed in multiple ISI subject categories, often with different quartile scores, the most favourable (the best listing) is applied by ERIM for membership calculations.

Publications in "Non core ISi 1st Quartile" journals are considered 'Equivalent P (EP)' publications by ERIM in the context of the ERIM Membership Charter. How the EP publications play a role for the ERIM membership requirements is described in the ERIM Membership Charter 2016.

(C) If the impact factor of a "Non-Core ISI Journal" is listed in the highest 10% of of the most relevant ISI Subject Category (averaged over the last five years), the journal is classified as "Non core ISI 1st decile" category. If a journal is listed in multiple ISI subject categories, often with different decile scores, the most favourable (the best listing) is applied by ERIM for membership calculations.

Publications in "Non core ISi 1st Decile" journals are considered "Equivalent P STAR (EP*)" publications by ERIM in the context of the ERIM Membership Charter. How the EP* publications play a role for the ERIM membership requirements is described in the ERIM Membership Charter 2016.

All ISI journals and subject categories are disclosed in the Journals Citation Reports (JCR) through the Thomson Reuters (ISI) Web of Science (WOS). EJL-equivalent journals are typically top journals of the “mother-disciplines” of research in management, such as economics, sociology and psychology and publications in methods journals.

7. Dynamics of EJL

The EJL is set for 2024-2028 and is updated in 2024 with metrics up and including 2022.

In general, proposals for adding journals to the EJL: the burden of proof of scientific quality and relevance for research in management is on the proposer. Main criteria are: high quality editorial board and review process, high impact score, other prominent research schools in management also count this journal, only journals in English.

New journals will be considered for the EJL only after they have at least 4 complete volumes and have established a good scientific reputation, as detailed above.

ERIM will guarantee to its (aspirant) members that possible changes in the list will not be to their disadvantage during a period of five years. If an update of the list would result in removing a journal from the EJL, or moving a journal to a lower category, for an (aspirant) ERIM member with a publication in this journal, it would still count for its original position during this period. Updates of the list that are to the advantage of individual researchers will be in force immediately, however.

Previous versions of the EJL were documented in 2022, 2011, 2006, 2004, 2003 and 2002.

8. Report on the ERIM Journals List

The Scientific Director of ERIM will report to the ERIM Programme Advisory Committee about the state of the ERIM Journals List (EJL) at least once a year.