prof.dr. S.R. (Steffen) Giessner
Steffen R. Giessner is Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Change at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM).
He holds an MSc in Psychology from the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK, and a PhD in Psychology from the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany. His research is located at the intersection of organizational psychology and management. His primary research topics are employee support during organizational merger, follower’s perceptions of leadership, antecedents of leader behavior, and non-verbal communication of power. He has authored and co-authored papers in the areas of organizational behavior, management, and psychology. His research received media coverage in outlets like the New York Times, Financial Times, The Guardian, Harvard Business Review, Harvard Business Manager and Wall Street Journal. His most recent book on Leading with Presence addresses how one can develop the non-verbal aspect of leadership impact.
Article (64)
Academic (53)
Lam, H., Giessner, S. R., Shemla, M., & Werner, M. D. (2024). Leader and leadership loneliness: A review-based critique and path to future research. Leadership Quarterly, 35(3), Article 101780. Advance online publication.
Monzani, L., Bibic, K., Haslam, S. A., Kerschreiter, R., Wilson Lemoine, J. E., Steffens, N. K., Akfirat, S. A., Ballada, C. J. A., Bazarov, T., Aruta, J. J. B. R., Avanzi, L., Bunjak, A., Černe, M., Edelmann, C. M., Epitropaki, O., Fransen, K., García-Ael, C., Giessner, S., Gleibs, I., ... van Dick, R. (2024). Political leaders' identity leadership and civic citizenship behavior: The mediating role of trust in fellow citizens and the moderating role of economic inequality. Political Psychology, 45(6), 979-1011. Advance online publication.
Korman, B. A., Tröster, C., & Giessner, S. R. (2023). LMXSC Elicits Hubristic Pride and Social Undermining in Individuals with High Trait Dominance. Journal of Management Studies, 61(6), 2662-2693.
Giessner, S., Dawson, J. F., Horton, K. E., & West, M. (2023). The Impact of Supportive Leadership on Employee Outcomes During Organizational Mergers: An Organizational-Level Field Study. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(4), 686-697.,
Reh, S., Van Quaquebeke, N., Tröster, C., & Giessner, S. R. (2022). When and why does status threat at work bring out the best and the worst in us? A temporal social comparison theory. Organizational Psychology Review, 12(3), 241-267.
Leroy, H. L., Anisman-Razin, M., Avolio, B. J., Bresman, H., Stuart Bunderson, J., Burris, E. R., Claeys, J., Detert, J. R., Dragoni, L., Giessner, S. R., Kniffin, K. M., Kolditz, T., Petriglieri, G., Pettit, N. C., Sitkin, S. B., Van Quaquebeke, N., & Vongswasdi, P. (2022). Walking Our Evidence-Based Talk: The Case of Leadership Development in Business Schools. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 29(1), 5-32.
Bracht, E. M., Monzani, L., Boer, D., Haslam, S. A., Kerschreiter, R., Lemoine, J. E., Steffens, N. K., Akfirat, S. A., Avanzi, L., Barghi, B., Dumont, K., Edelmann, C. M., Epitropaki, O., Fransen, K., Giessner, S., Gleibs, I. H., González, R., Laguía González, A., Lipponen, J., ... van Dick, R. (2022). Innovation across cultures: Connecting leadership, identification, and creative behavior in organizations. Applied Psychology, 72(1), 348-388.
Sahlmueller, B., Van Quaquebeke, N., Giessner, S. R., & van Knippenberg, D. (2022). Dual Leadership in the Matrix: Effects of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and Dual-Leader Exchange (DLX) on Role Conflict and Dual Leadership Effectiveness. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 29(3), 270-288.
Wong, S. I., Berntzen, M., Warner-Søderholm, G., & Giessner, S. R. (2022). The negative impact of individual perceived isolation in distributed teams and its possible remedies. Human Resource Management Journal, 32(4), 906-927.
Rutishauser, L., & Giessner, S. (2022). Dynamic perspective of leader-member exchange and empowerment-enhancing practices in organizational change. Die Unternehmung - Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice, 76(4), 492-510.
van Dick, R., Cordes, B. L., Lemoine, J. E., Steffens, N. K., Haslam, S. A., Akfirat, S. A., Ballada, C. J. A., Bazarov, T., Aruta, J. J. B. R., Avanzi, L., Bodla, A. A., Bunjak, A., Černe, M., Dumont, K. B., Edelmann, C. M., Epitropaki, O., Fransen, K., García-Ael, C., Giessner, S., ... Kerschreiter, R. (2021). Identity leadership, employee burnout and the mediating role of team identification: Evidence from the global identity leadership development project. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), Article 12081.
Korman, B. A., Tröster, C., & Giessner, S. R. (2021). The Consequences of Incongruent Abusive Supervision: Anticipation of Social Exclusion, Shame, and Turnover Intentions. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 28(3), 306-321.
Knoll, M., Götz, M., Adriasola, A., Al-Atwi, AA., Arenas, A., Atitsogbe, KA., Barrett, S., Bhattacharjee, A., Blanco C., ND., Bogilovi?, S., Bollmann, G., Bosak, J., Bulut, C., Carter, M., Cerne, M., Chui, S., Di Marco, D., Duden, G., Elsey, V., ... Zacher, H. (2021). International Differences in Employee Silence Motives: Scale Validation, Prevalence, and Relationships with Culture Characteristics across 33 Countries. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42.
Connelly, CE., ?erne, M., Fieseler, C., Giessner, S., & Wong, SI. (2021). Working in the digitized economy: HRM theory & practice. Human Resource Management Review, 31(1), 1-7. Article 100762.
Knippenberg, D., Giessner, S., Sleebos, E., & Ginkel, W. (2021). A motivated information processing perspective on the antecedents of empowering leadership. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 51(2), 79-89.
Chartier, C. R., Arnal, J. D., Arrow, H., Bloxsom, N. G., Bonfiglio, D. B. V., Brumbaugh, C. C., Corker, K. S., Ebersole, C. R., Garinther, A., Giessner, S. R., Hughes, S., Inzlicht, M., Lin, H., Mercier, B., Metzger, M., Rangel, D., Saunders, B., Schmidt, K., Storage, D., & Tocco, C. (2020). Many Labs 5: Registered Replication of Albarracín et al. (2008), Experiment 5. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 3(3), 332-339.,
Belschak, F., Jacobs, G., Giessner, S., Horton, K., & Bayerl, S. (2020). When the going gets tough: employee reactions to large-scale organizational change and the role of employee machiavellianism. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 41(9), 830-850.
Rosa, M., Giessner, S., Guerra, R., Waldzus, S., Kersting, A.-M., Veličković, K., & Collins, E. C. (2020). They (Don't) Need Us: Functional Indispensability Impacts Perceptions of Representativeness and Commitment When Lower-Status Groups Go Through an Intergroup Merger. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2772.,
Ebersole, CR., Mathur, MB., Baranski, E., Bart-Plange, D., Buttrick, NR., Chartier, CR., Corker, KS., Corley, M., Hartshorne, JK., IJzerman, H., Lazarevic, LB., Rabagliati, H., Ropovik, I., Aczel, B., Aeschbach, LF., Andrighetto, L., Arnal, JD., Arrow, H., Babincak, P., ... et al., . (2020). Many Labs 5: Testing pre-data collection peer review as an intervention to increase replicability. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 3(3), 309-331.
Giessner, S., Stam, D., Kerschreiter, R., Verboon, D., & Salama, I. (2020). Goal-setting reloaded: The influence of minimal and maximal goal standards on task satisfaction and goal striving after performance feedback. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 161, 228-241.
Monzani, L., Knoll, V., Giessner, S., van Dick, R., & Peiró, J. M. (2019). Between a rock and hard place: Combined effects of authentic leadership, organizational identification, and team prototypicality on managerial prohibitive voice. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 22(1), 1-20.
Giessner, S., & Schubert, TW. (2019). Power and vertical positions in an organization chart: A pre-registered replication report of Study 3a and a modification of Study 1a, Giessner & Schubert (2007). Collabra: Psychology, 5(1).
Keck, N., Giessner, S., Quaquebeke, N., & Kruijff, E. (2018). When do followers perceive their leaders as ethical? A relational models perspective of normatively appropriate conduct. Journal of Business Ethics, 164, 477-493.
Wong, SI., & Giessner, S. (2018). The thin line between empowering and laissez-faire leadership: An expectancy match perspective. Journal of Management, 44(2), 757-783.
Toscano, H., Schubert, TW., & Giessner, S. (2018). Eye Gaze and Head Posture Jointly Influence Judgments of Dominance, Physical Strength, and Anger. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 42(3), 285-309.
van Dick, R., Lemoine, JE., Steffens, N. K., Kerschreiter, R., Akfarit, SA., Avanzi, L., Dumont, K., Epitropaki, O., Giessner, S., & et al., . (2018). Identity Leadership Going Global: Validation of the Identity Leadership Inventory (ILI) across 20 Countries. Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology, 91(4), 697-728.
Klein, R. A., Vianello, M., Hasselman, F., Adams, B. G., Adams, R. B., Alper, S., Aveyard, M., Axt, J. R., Babalola, M. T., Bahník, Š., Batra, R., Berkics, M., Bernstein, M. J., Berry, D. R., Bialobrzeska, O., Binan, E. D., Bocian, K., Brandt, M. J., Busching, R., ... Nosek, B. A. (2018). Many labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across samples and settings. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1(4), 443-490.
Houwelingen, G., Stam, D., & Giessner, S. (2017). So close and yet so far away: A psychological distance account of the effectiveness of leader appeals. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 47(12), 665-676.
Rosa, M., Kavanagh, E., Kounov, P., Jarosz, S., Waldzus, S., Collins, E., & Giessner, S. (2017). Change commitment in low status merger partners: The role of information processing, relative ingroup prototypicality and merger patterns. The British Journal of Social Psychology, 56(3), 618-630.
Reh, S., van Quaquebeke, N., & Giessner, S. (2017). The aura of charisma: A review on the embodiment perspective as signaling. The Leadership Quarterly, 28(4), 486-507.
Giessner, S., Horton, K., & Humborstad, SIW. (2016). Identity management during organizational mergers: Empirical insights and practical advice. Social Issues and Policy Review, 10(1), 47-81.
Rast, DE., Hogg, MA., & Giessner, S. (2016). Who trusts charismatic leaders who champion change? The role of group identification, membership centrality and self-uncertainty. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research and Practice, 20(4), 259-275.
Giessner, S., van Quaquebeke, N., van Gils, S., van Knippenberg, D., & Kollee, JAJM. (2015). In the moral eye of the beholder: The interactive effects of leader and follower moral identity on perceptions of ethical leadership and LMX quality. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1126.
Giessner, S., van Knippenberg, D., Ginkel, W., & Sleebos, E. (2013). Team-oriented leadership: The Interactive Effects of Leader Group Prototypicality, Accountability, and Team Identification. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(4), 658-667.
Gleibs, I. H., Täuber, S., Viki, G. T., & Giessner, S. (2013). When what we get is not what we want - The role of implemented versus desired merger patterns in support for mergers. Social Psychology, 44(3), 177-190.
Kollee, JAJM., Giessner, S., & van Knippenberg, D. (2013). Leader evaluations after performance feedback: The role of follower mood. The Leadership Quarterly, 24(1), 203-214.
Rast, DE., Hogg, MA., & Giessner, S. (2012). Self-uncertainty and support for autocratic leadership. Self and Identity, 12(6), 635-649.
Eisenbei?, SA., & Giessner, S. (2012). The Emergence and Maintenance of Ethical Leadership in Organizations: A Question of Embeddedness? Journal of Personnel Psychology, 11(1), 7-19.
Zanolie, CKK., Van Dantzig, S., Boot, I., Wijnen, J., Schubert, TW., Giessner, S., & Pecher, D. (2012). Mighty metaphors: Behavioral and ERP evidence that power shifts attention on a vertical dimension. Brain and Cognition, 78(1), 50-58.
Giessner, S. (2011). Is the merger necessary? The interactive effect of perceived necessity and sense of continuity on post-merger identification. Human Relations, 64(8), 1079-1098.
Giessner, S., Ullrich, J., & van Dick, R. (2011). Social Identity and Corporate Mergers. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 5(6), 333-345.
Giessner, S., Ullrich, J., & van Dick, R. (2011). Teaching & Learning Guide for: Social Identity and Corporate Mergers. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 5(7), 500-504.
Giessner, S., Ryan, MK., Schubert, TW., & van Quaquebeke, N. (2011). The power of pictures: Vertical picture angles in power pictures. Media Psychology, 14(4), 441-463.
van Quaquebeke, N., & Giessner, S. (2010). How embodied cognitions affect judgments: Height-related attribution bias in football foul calls. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 32(1), 3-22.
Hakimi, NA., van Knippenberg, D., & Giessner, S. (2010). Leader Empowering Behaviour: The Leader's Perspective. British Journal of Management, 21(3), 701-716.
Giessner, S., & van Quaquebeke, N. (2010). Using a relational models perspective to understand normatively appropriate conduct in ethical leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 95(supplement 1), 43-55.
Giessner, S., van Knippenberg, D., & Sleebos, E. (2009). License to fail? How leader group prototypicality moderates the effects of leader performance on perceptions of leadership effectiveness. The Leadership Quarterly, 20(3), 434-451.
Schubert, TW., Waldzus, S., & Giessner, S. (2009). Control over the Association of Power and Size. Social Cognition, 27(1), 1-19.
Giessner, S., & Mummendey, A. (2008). United we win, divided we fail? Effects of cognitive representations and performance feedbacks on merging groups. European Journal of Social Psychology, 38(3), 412-435.
Giessner, S., & van Knippenberg, D. (2008). "License to fail": Goal definition, leader group prototypicality, and perceptions of leadership effectiveness after leader failure. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 105(1), 14-35.
Schubert, TW., & Giessner, S. (2008). The naked power: Understanding nonverbal communication of power. In-Mind Magazin, 2(6).
Giessner, S., & Schubert, TW. (2007). High in the Hierarchy: How Vertical Location and Judgments of Leaders' Power are Interrelated. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 104(1), 30-44.
Giessner, S., Viki, GT., Otten, S., Terry, DJ., & Täuber, S. (2006). The challenge of merging: Merger patterns, pre-merger status and merger support. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32(3), 339-352.
Professional (11)
Lam, H., Giessner, S., & Shemla, M. (2020). Four Simple Ways To Combat The Loneliness Caused By COVID-19. Forbes.
Lam, H., Giessner, S., & Shemla, M. (2020). Tips: Loneliness and working from home during the COVID-19 crisis. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge.
de Jong, R., & Giessner, S. (2020). Responsible leadership: creating shared value. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 2(2020).
Mulder, F., Giessner, S., & Caldas, M. (2020). Leadership: why many heads are better than one. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 2(2020).
Wong, SI., Giessner, S., van Ballen, C., & Roufanis, V. (2017). Using new ways of working to attract millennials. Communication for Leaders, (1), 24-25.
Giessner, S., & Wong, SI. (2016). The fine line between hands-on and hands-off leadership. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 25(1), 11-13.
Humborstad, SIW., Giessner, S., & Solberg, E. (2015). Key to Success in Mergers & Acquisitions. Communication for Leaders, 2015(2), 8-9.
van Dijke, M., Giessner, S., van Tulder, R., & Gilbert, R. (2014). What value ethical leadership? RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 18(2), 8-11.
Giessner, S. (2011). Identity management key to successful mergers. RSM Insight, 6(2), 7-9.
van Quaquebeke, N., Eckloff, T., Zenker, S., & Giessner, S. (2009). Leadership in the Eye of the Beholder: Cognitive Construction, Recognition, and Interpretation of Leadership. Personalfuhrung, 1, 34-41.
van Quaquebeke, N., Witte, E. H., Giessner, S., & Eckloff, T. (2008). Macht: Energie der sozialen Welt? 360° Journal, 4, 17-26.
Book (1)
Professional (1)
Knoppers, A., Obdeijn, M., & Giessner, SR. (2021). Leading with presence: Fundamental tools and insights for impactful, engaging leadership. Emerald Group Publishing.
Chapter (9)
Academic (9)
Giessner, S., & Horton, K. (2023). Change Leadership: A Social Identity Perspective. In The psychology of organizational change: New insights on the antecedents and consequences of individuals' responses to change (pp. 263-288). Cambridge University Press.
Wong, SIW., Solberg, E., Junni, P., & Giessner, S. (2016). The role of human resource management practices in mergers & acquisitions. In C. L. Cooper, S. Y. Tarba, R. M. Sarala, & M. F. Ahammad (Eds.), Mergers and acquisitions in practice (pp. 138-161). Routledge.
Giessner, S., & Jacobs, G. (2014). Identität und Prototypikalität. In J. Felfe (Ed.), Trends der psychologischen Führungsforschung – Neue Konzepte, Methoden und Erkenntnisse (pp. 117-128). Hogrefe.
Jacobs, G., & Giessner, S. (2014). Führung von Veränderungsprozessen: Die Bedeutung von Identität und der Umgang mit Widerstand. In J. Felfe (Ed.), Trends der psychologischen Führungsforschung – Neue Konzepte, Methoden und Erkenntnisse (pp. 491-500). Hogrefe.
Giessner, S. R., Ullrich, J., & van Dick, R. (2012). A Social Identity Analysis of Mergers and Acquisitions. In The Handbook of Mergers and Acquisitions Oxford University Press.
Giessner, S., Ullrich, J., & van Dick, R. (2012). A Social Identity Analysis of Mergers & Acquisitions. In D. Faulkner, S. Teerikangas, & R. Joseph (Eds.), Handbook of Mergers & Acquisitions (pp. 474-495). Oxford University Press.
Giessner, S. (2009). Diskriminierung und Toleranz bei Unternehmensfusionen. In Andreas Beelman, & Kai Jonas (Eds.), Diskriminierung und Toleranz: Psychologische Grundlagen und Anwendungsperspektiven (pp. 399-418). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
van Knippenberg, D., Wisse, BM., & Giessner, S. (2007). Extending the follow-centered perspective: Leadership as an outcome of shared social identity. In B. Shamir, R. Pillai, M. C. Bligh, & M. Uhl-Bien (Eds.), Follower-centered perspective on leadership: A tribute to the memory of James R. Meindl (pp. 51-70). Information Age Publishing.
Giessner, S. (2003). Eine Intergruppenperspektive auf Unternehmensfusionen [An intergroup perspective on organizational mergers]. In J. Straehle (Ed.), Interkulturelle Mergers & Acquisitions. Eine interdisziplinare Perspektive [Intercultural merger and acquisitions. An interdisciplinary perspective] (pp. 168-194). Sternenfels.
Conference article (1)
Professional (1)
Korman, B. A., Tröster, C., & Giessner, S. R. (2020). LMXSC and paradoxical coworker-directed behaviors: A dual-path mediation model involving pride. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2020(1).
Digital or Visual Products (2)
Professional (2)
Giessner, S. (2021). What makes a leader impactful?. Digital or Visual Products, Association of MBAs.
Knoppers, A., & Giessner, S. (2021). Leading with presence during Coronavirus times. Digital or Visual Products, Emerald Group Publishing.
Doctoral Thesis (1)
Internally prepared (1)
Giessner, S. (2004). United we run, divided we fail? Effects of cognitive representations and performance feedbacks on merging groups. [Doctoral Thesis, Friedrich Schiller University Jena]. University of Jena.
Inaugural speech (1)
Popular (1)
Giessner, S. (2016). Organisational mergers. A Behavioural perspective on identity management. Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM). Inaugural Adresses
Paper (1)
Academic (1)
Korman, B. A., Tröster, C., & Giessner, S. R. (2020). LMXSC and paradoxical coworker-directed behaviors: A dual-path mediation model involving pride. Paper presented at 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management 2020: Understanding the Inclusive Organization, AoM 2020, Virtual, Online.
Teaching case (4)
Academic (4)
Mulder, F., & Giessner, S., (2022). The Road to the Olympic Games Tokyo 2021 (A-D), No. 421-0094-1, 14 p., Sept 12, 2022. RSM Case Development Centre No. 421-0094-1
Mulder, F., & Giessner, S., (2021). The Road to the Olympic Games Tokyo 2021: Why Many Heads Are Better than One, No. 421-0094-8, 12 p., RSM Case Development Centre
Giessner, S., (2011). The promotion, No. 411-061-1, 3 p., RSM Case Development Centre No. 411-061-1
Giessner, S., (2011). The Promotion (Exercise), No. 411-061-1, 3 p., RSM Case Development Centre No. 411-061-1
Web publication/site (2)
Academic (1)
Sahlmuller, B., van Knippenberg, D., van Quaquebeke, N., & Giessner, S. (2022). Two in the lead: The importance of relationships when there are two bosses. Web publication/site, California Management Review Insights.
Professional (1)
Knoppers, A., Obdeijn, M., & Giessner, S. (2021). How To Have Effective Zoom Meetings—And Make Them Less Boring. Web publication/site, Forbes.
Additional activities (7)
The Leadership Quarterly (Journal)
Editorial work (Academic)
Journal of Applied Psychology (Journal)
Editorial work (Academic)
Frontiers in Psychology (Journal)
Editorial work (Academic)
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology (Journal)
Editorial work (Academic)
Organizational Psychology Review (Journal)
Editorial work (Academic)
Journal of Personnel Psychology (Journal)
Editorial work (Academic)
British Journal of Management (Journal)
Editorial work (Academic)
PhD Tracks (42)
- Role: Co-promotor
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- Time frame: 2005 - 2010
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- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
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- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Suzanne van Gils
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- PhD Candidate: Christina Wessels
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- PhD Candidate: Marian Plasschaert
- Time frame: 2023 -
- Role: Member Doctoral Committee
- PhD Candidate: Qi Zhang
- Time frame: 2017 - 2023
Events (10)
Award (1)
- Fellowship - ERIM postdoc programme (2004)
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