E.M. (Erik) van Raaij

Rotterdam School of Management (RSM)
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Member ERIM
Field: Logistics & Information Systems
Affiliated since 2008

Erik van Raaij is Professor of Purchasing & Supply Management in Healthcare at Rotterdam School of Management and at the Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management, Erasmus University (Rotterdam). He holds an Engineering degree in Business and a PhD in Marketing from the University of Twente, The Netherlands. His work has been published in international academic journals such as Journal of Management Studies, Organization Science, International Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Health Policy, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, The Journal of Supply Chain Management, California Management Review, and Computers & Education. Erik van Raaij is Senior Associate Editor of the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. He is a high-performance member of the Erasmus Research Institute of Management, member of the Academy of Management, the International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA), and the Dutch Purchasing Association (NEVI). Erik van Raaij has received several awards and commendations for teaching excellence. His current research interests include Healthcare procurement, Buyer-supplier relationships, and Empirical research methods.


  • Academic (2)
    • Akin Ates, M., Wynstra, F., & van Raaij, E. (2012). Structuring the Supply Base: The Role of Purchasing Strategy and Supply Market Characteristics.

    • Brandon-Jones, A., Knoppen, D., & van Raaij, E. (2012). Contingent Dynamic Capability Perspective On Strategic Purchasing.

  • Academic (47)
    • Allers, S., Eijkenaar, F., van Raaij, E. M., & Schut, F. T. (2025). Patterns in the influence of funding and reimbursement on the development and implementation of healthcare innovation: A systematic review. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 11(1), Article 100490.

    • Allers, S., Eijkenaar, F., Schut, F. T., & van Raaij, E. M. (2025). Translating innovative medical devices from prototype to practice: A Delphi study of urgent financial barriers and promising solutions. Health Policy and Technology, 14(1), Article 100964.

    • Van Der Zee, S., Verhoog, T., Post, T., Garcia-Gomez, P., van Raaij, E. M., Diehl, J. C., & Hunfeld, N. (2025). Nudging intensive care unit personnel towards sustainable behaviour. Nursing in critical care, 30(1), 37-46.

    • Allers, S., Eijkenaar, F., Schut, F. T., & VAN RAAIJ, E. M. (2024). Aligning Ambition and Reality: A Multiple Case Study Into Synergistic Influences of Financial and Other Factors on the Outcomes of Integrated Care Projects. International Journal of Integrated Care, 24(3), Article 11.

    • Matinheikki, J., Kenny, K., Kauppi, K., van Raaij, E., & Brandon–Jones, A. (2024). Realising the promise of value-based purchasing: experimental evidence of medical device selection. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 44(13), 100-126.

    • Dul, J., van Raaij, E., & Caputo, A. (2024). Advancing scientific inquiry through data reuse: Necessary condition analysis with archival data. Strategic Change, 33(1), 35-40.

    • Kauppi, K., Brandon–Jones, A., van Raaij, E., & Matinheikki, J. (2024). “If only we'd known”: Theory of supply failure under two-sided information asymmetry. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 60(1), 32-52.

    • Allers, S., Eijkenaar, F., van Raaij, E. M., & Schut, F. T. (2023). The long and winding road towards payment for healthcare innovation with high societal value but limited commercial value: A comparative case study of devices and health information technologies. Technology in Society, 75, Article 102405.

    • Ubels, S., & van Raaij, E. (2023). Alignment in the hospital-physician relationship: A qualitative multiple case study of Medical Specialist Enterprises in the Netherlands. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 12(1), Article 6917.

    • Gajadien, C. S., Dohmen, P. J. G., Eijkenaar, F., Schut, F. T., van Raaij, E. M., & Heijink, R. (2023). Financial risk allocation and provider incentives in hospital–insurer contracts in The Netherlands. European Journal of Health Economics, 24(1), 125-138.,

    • Dohmen, P., De Sanctis, T., Waiyaiya, E., Janssens, W., Rinke de Wit, T., Spieker, N., Van der Graaf, M., & Van Raaij, E. M. (2022). Implementing value-based healthcare using a digital health exchange platform to improve pregnancy and childbirth outcomes in urban and rural Kenya. Frontiers in Public Health, 10, Article 1040094.

    • Hinrichs-Krapels, S., Diehl, JC., Hunfeld, N., & van Raaij, E. (2022). Towards sustainability for medical devices and consumables: The radical and incremental challenges in the technology ecosystem. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy, 27(4), 253-254.

    • van Elten, H. J., Sülz, S., van Raaij, E. M., & Wehrens, R. (2022). Big Data Health Care Innovations: Performance Dashboarding as a Process of Collective Sensemaking. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 24(2), Article e30201.,

    • Matinheikki, J., Kauppi, K., Brandon–Jones, A., & van Raaij, E. M. (2022). Making agency theory work for supply chain relationships: a systematic review across four disciplines. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 42(13), 299-334.

    • Zwaagstra Salvado, E., van Elten, H. J., & van Raaij, E. M. (2021). The Linkages Between Reimbursement and Prevention: A Mixed-Methods Approach. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, Article 750122.,

    • Wynstra, F., Akin Ates, M., & van Raaij, E. (2021). Developing a Purchasing Strategy Taxonomy Based on Competitive Priorities. Hacettepe University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences., 39(1), 33-49.

    • Wehrens, RLE., Sihag, V., Sülz, S., van Elten, H. J., van Raaij, E., Bont, A., & Jansen, A. M. (2020). Understanding the Uptake of Big Data in Health Care: Protocol for a Multinational Mixed-Methods Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(10), Article e16779.

    • Ellram, L., Harland, C., van Weele, AJ., Essig, M., Johnsen, T., Nassimbeni, G., Pagell, M., van Raaij, E., Rozemeijer, FA., Tate, W., & Wynstra, F. (2020). Purchasing and supply management's identity: Crisis? What crisis? Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 26(1), Article 100583.

    • Bäckstrand, J., Suurmond, R., van Raaij, E., & Chen, C. (2019). Purchasing process models: Inspiration for teaching purchasing and supply management. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 25(5), Article 100577.,

    • Knight, L., Tate, W., Ellram, L., Salmi, A., van Raaij, E., & Wagner, SM. (2019). Looking Back & Looking Forward. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 25(5), Article 100582.

    • Dohmen, P., & van Raaij, E. (2018). A new approach to preferred provider selection in health care. Health Policy, 123(3), 300-305.

    • Akin Ates, M., Wynstra, F., & van Raaij, E. (2018). The impact of purchasing strategy-structure (mis)fit on purchasing cost and innovation performance. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 24(1), 68-82.

    • van Raaij, E. (2018). Déjà lu: On the limits of data reuse across multiple publications. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 24(3), 183-191.

    • Stilger, PS., Siderius, J., & van Raaij, E. (2017). A Comparative Study of Formulas for Choosing the Economically Most Advantageous Tender. Journal of Public Procurement, 17(1), 89-125.

    • Nullmeier, F., Wynstra, F., & van Raaij, E. (2016). Outcome attributability in performance-based contracting: Roles and activities of the buying organization. Industrial Marketing Management, 59, 25-36.

    • Akin Ates, M., Wynstra, F., & van Raaij, E. (2015). An exploratory analysis of the relationship between purchase category strategies and supply base structure. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 21(3), 204-219.

    • Knoppen, D., Akin Ates, M., Brandon-Jones, A., Luzzini, D., van Raaij, E., & Wynstra, F. (2015). A comprehensive assessment of measurement equivalence in operations management. International Journal of Production Research, 53(1), 166-182.

    • Kauppi, K., & van Raaij, E. (2015). Opportunism and Honest Incompetence – Seeking Explanations for Non-Compliance in Public Procurement. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 25(3), 953-979.

    • van Weele, AJ., & van Raaij, E. (2014). The Future of Purchasing and Supply Management Research: About Relevance and Rigor. The Journal of Supply Chain Management, 50(1), 56-72.

    • van Burg, JC., Berends, JJ., & van Raaij, E. (2014). Framing and Interorganizational Knowledge Transfer: A Process Study of Collaborative Innovation in the Aircraft Industry. Journal of Management Studies, 51(3), 349-378.

    • Lindgreen, A., Vanhamme, J., van Raaij, E., & Johnston, WJ. (2013). Go Configure: The Mix of Purchasing Practices to Choose for Your Supply Base. California Management Review, 55(2), 72-96.

    • Kauppi, K., Brandon-Jones, A., Ronchi, S., & van Raaij, E. (2013). Tools without skills: Exploring the moderating effect of absorptive capacity on the relationship between e-purchasing tools and category performance. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 33(7), 828-857.

    • Akin Ates, M., Bloemhof, J., van Raaij, E., & Wynstra, F. (2012). Proactive environmental strategy in a supply chain context: The mediating role of investments. International Journal of Production Research, 50(4), 1079-1095.

    • Berends, JJ., van Burg, JC., & van Raaij, E. (2011). Contacts and Contracts: Cross-level Network Dynamics in the Development of an Aircraft Material. Organization Science, 22(4), 940-960.

    • Karjalainen, KJ., & van Raaij, E. (2011). An empirical test of contributing factors to different forms of maverick buying. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 17(3), 185-197.

    • Karjalainen, KJ., Kemppainen, MK., & van Raaij, E. (2009). Non-compliant work behaviour in purchasing: an exploration of reasons behind maverick buying. Journal of Business Ethics, 85(2), 245-261.

    • van Triest, S., Bun, MJG., van Raaij, E., & Vernooij, MJA. (2009). The impact of customer-specific marketing expenses on customer retention and customer profitability. Marketing Letters, 20(2), 125-138.

    • Caniels, MCJ., & van Raaij, E. (2009). Do all suppliers dislike electronic reverse auctions? Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 15(1), 12-23.

    • van Raaij, E., & Schepers, JJL. (2008). The acceptance and use of a virtual learning environment in China. Computers & Education, 50(3), 838-852.

    • van Raaij, E., & Stoelhorst, JW. (2008). The implementation of a market orientation: a review and integration of the contributions to date. European Journal of Marketing, 42(11/12), 1265-1293.

    • Claassen, MJT., van Weele, AJ., & van Raaij, E. (2008). Performance outcomes and success factors of Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI). Supply Chain Management, 13(6), 406-414.

    • van Raaij, E., Brandon-Jones, A., & Lamming, RC. (2008). Practice Makes Perfect: Introduction to the Special Issue of Best Papers of the 16th Annual IPSERA Conference, 1-4 April, Bath, England. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 14(1), 1-2.

    • van Raaij, E. (2005). The strategic value of customer profitability analysis. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 23(4), 372-381.

    • Reunis, MRB., van Raaij, E., & Santema, SC. (2004). Actor-to-actor dissemination of E-Procurement (EP) adoption: an exploration of influencing factors. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 10(4/5), 201-210.

    • Stoelhorst, JW., & van Raaij, E. (2004). On explaining performance differentials: marketing and the managerial theory of the firm. Journal of Business Research, 57(5), 462-477.

    • van Raaij, E. M., & Weimer, W. A. (2003). Providing Industry with Education That Meets Business Standards. Industry and Higher Education, 17(2), 91-101.

    • van Raaij, E., Vernooij, MJA., & van Triest, S. (2003). The implementation of customer profitability analysis: a case study. Industrial Marketing Management, 32(7), 573-583.

  • Professional (17)
    • Hunfeld, N., Diehl, J. C., van der Zee, S., Gommers, D., & van Raaij, E. (2023). The Green Intensive Care: From Environmental Hotspot to Action. ICU Management & Practice, 23(3), 106-109.

    • van Raaij, E. (2022). What gets measured, gets manipulated. Deal!, (5), 45.

    • van Raaij, E. (2021). 2021-50-11-5. Deal!, 9, 33.

    • Knight, LA., Peeters, E., van Raaij, E., & Uenk, N. (2021). Leren van de Coronapandemie. Deal!, 11, 38.

    • van Raaij, E. (2020). Na Corona. Deal!, (september), 49.

    • van Raaij, E. (2019). Value-based healthcare in Rijnlands jasje. Deal!, (november), 37.

    • van Raaij, E. (2018). Geld uitgeven alsof het van jezelf is. Deal!, (mei), 29.

    • van Raaij, E. (2018). Het einde van inkoop. Deal!, (November), 49.

    • Wilgenkamp, M., & van Raaij, E. (2017). Duurzaam inkopen in ziekenhuizen. Deal!, (oktober), 38-41.

    • Burgers, R., & van Raaij, E. (2017). Supply purchasing for intensive care centres. ICU management, 17(4), 242-244.

    • Boodie, M., & van Raaij, E. (2015). Wetenschap en praktijk komen samen op Ipsera. Deal!, (mei), 32-33.

    • Dohmen, P., van Deurssen, D., van der Rijt, J., & van Raaij, E. (2015). Nieuwe dynamiek tussen zorgverzekeraar en zorgaanbieder. Deal!, (april), 22-25.

    • Boodie, M., & van Raaij, E. (2014). Nederland zet opnieuw de standaard. Deal!, (juni), 24-27.

    • Dohmen, P., van Raaij, E., & van der Rijt, J. (2014). Prestatie-inkoop in de zorg: een wereldprimeur. Deal!, (september), 26-29.

    • van Raaij, E., & Wynstra, F. (2014). Problem-solving in healthcare services procurement. RSM Discovery - Management Knowledge, 20(4), 5-7.

    • van Raaij, E. (2012). Meer kennis moet leiden tot betere zorginkoop. Deal!, (april), 30-32.

    • Akin Ates, M., Bloemhof, J., van Raaij, E., & Wynstra, F. (2012). Proactive environmental strategies pay off. RSM Insight, 9(1), 12-13.

  • Academic (7)
    • van Raaij, E., van Raaij, WF., & Timmermans, HJP. (2010). Customer-focused management. In L. Moutinho, & G. Southern (Eds.), Strategic Marketing Management (pp. 15-32). Cengage Learning.

    • van Raaij, E. (2010). Making the Transformation Toward a Market-oriented Organisation: A Review of the Literature. In A. Lindgreen, M. Hingley, D. Harness, & P. Custance (Eds.), Market Orientation: Transforming Food and Agribusiness around the Customer (pp. 3-26). Gower.

    • de Man, AP., Berends, JJ., Lammers, I., van Raaij, E., & van Weele, AJ. (2008). Knowledge and innovation in networks: a conceptual framework. In A. P. de Man (Ed.), Knowledge management and innovation in networks (pp. 1-14). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    • van Burg, JC., Berends, JJ., & van Raaij, E. (2008). Organizing knowledge sharing in networks: the theory. In A. P. de Man (Ed.), Knowledge Management and Innovation in Networks (pp. 32-53). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    • de Man, AP., & van Raaij, E. (2008). Making horticulture networks bloom. In A. P. de Man (Ed.), Knowledge Management and Innovation in Networks (pp. 122-144). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    • van Burg, JC., van Raaij, E., & Berends, JJ. (2008). The fibers that hold an innovation network: an analysis of knowledge sharing in the Glare network. In A. P. de Man (Ed.), Knowledge Management and Innovation in Networks (pp. 145-173). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    • Van Burg, E., Van Raaij, E., & Berends, H. (2008). The fibres that hold an innovation network:1 An analysis of knowledge-sharing in the Glare network. In Knowledge Management and Innovation in Networks (pp. 145-173). Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • Academic (11)
    • Matinheikki, J., Kauppi, K., van Raaij, E., & Brandon-Jones, A. (2021). Value-based procurement and agency problems in triadic healthcare relationships. In Bringing the Manager back in Management: 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Academy of Management.

    • Matinheikki, J., Kauppi, K., Kenny, K., Brandon-Jones, A., & van Raaij, E. (2021). When do procurement managers opt for value-adding devices? – Experimental research design. In Managing the “new normal”: The future of Operations and Supply Chain Management in unprecedented times: Proceedings of the 28th EurOMA Conference EUROMA.

    • Brandon-Jones, A., Knoppen, D., & van Raaij, E. (2014). Strategic Purchasing in Dynamic Capability Development and Deployment: A Contingency Perspective. In The Power of Words, Proceedings of the 2014 Academy of Management meeting

    • Brandon-Jones, A., Knoppen, D., & van Raaij, E. (2014). Strategic Purchasing and Learning Capability in Service versus Manufacturing Firms. In Purchasing & Supply Management in difficult times – The sky is the limit, Proceedings of the 23rd IPSERA Conference

    • van Raaij, E., Schotanus, F., & van der Valk, W. (2013). What do we know about purchasing health care? A systematic literature review and research agenda. In Purchasing & Supply Management for a Sustainable World, Proceedings of the 22nd IPSERA Conference

    • Nijsink, S., van de Klundert, J., & van Raaij, E. (2013). Market Power and the Contracting and Subcontracting of Health Service Bundles for Diabetes Care in the Netherlands. In Purchasing & Supply Management for a Sustainable World, Proceedings of the 22nd IPSERA Conference

    • Stilger, P., Siderius, J., & van Raaij, E. (2012). A Comparative Study of Formulas for Choosing the Economically Most Advantageous Tender. In Serving the World, Proceedings of the 19th Annual EurOMA Conference / 4th P&OM World Conference

    • Akin Ates, M., Wynstra, F., & van Raaij, E. (2011). The Link Between Purchasing Strategies and Purchasing Structure. In Decision Sciences as a Catalyst for Interdisciplinary Exchange and Cultural Change, Proceedings of the 42nd Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting (pp. 5121-5126). (Best Student Paper Prize).

    • van Burg, JC., van Raaij, E., & Berends, JJ. (2011). Dynamics of Open Innovation: A Process Study of the Development of Fiber Metal Laminates. In West Meets East: Enlightening, Balancing, and Transcending, Proceedings of the 2011 Academy of Management meeting

    • Karjalainen, KJ., Brandon-Jones, A., Ronchi, S., & van Raaij, E. (2011). Electronic purchasing tools and purchasing absorptive capacity as antecedents of purchasing category performance. In Exploring Interfaces, Proceedings of the 18th Annual EurOMA Conference

    • Eefting, M., & van Raaij, E. (2011). Socially responsible purchasing and firm benefits: The mediating roles of buyer-supplier knowledge sharing and supplier performance. In Vision 20/20' Preparing Today for Tomorrow's Challenges, Proceedings of the 20th IPSERA Conference

  • Popular (1)
    • Metzendorf, M. I., Madrid, E., & Van Raaij, E. (2025). Reducing the environmental impact of healthcare to improve health, sustainability and equity. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, Article bmjebm-2024-113124. Advance online publication.

  • Popular (1)
    • van Raaij, E. (2016). Purchasing Value: Purchasing and Supply Management's Contribution to Health Service Performance. Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM). ERIM Inaugural Series

  • Academic (9)
    • Movarrei, R., Kauppi, K., Brandon–Jones, A., Matinheikki, J., & van Raaij, E. (2023). Who dunnit? – buyer, supplier, and arbitrator perspectives to attributing supplier failure under different historical performance patterns. Paper presented at 32nd IPSERA conference, Barcelona, Spain.

    • Kauppi, K., Movarrei, R., Brandon–Jones, A., Matinheikki, J., & van Raaij, E. (2023). The effect of supplier’s perceived loss/gain from failure on buyer attributions of blame. Paper presented at Logistics during Global Crises, Helsinki, Finland.

    • Akin Ates, M., Raaij, E., & Wynstra, F. (2014). The Impact of Purchasing Strategy-Structure (Mis)fit on Purchasing Cost and Innovation Performance.

    • Akin Ates, M., Wynstra, F., & Raaij, E. (2014). An exploratory analysis of the relationship between purchase category strategies and supply base structure.

    • Knoppen, D., Akin Ates, M., Brandon-Jones, A., Luzzini, D., Raaij, E., & Wynstra, F. (2011). Pooling survey data in the operations and supply management literature: A review and illustration of equivalence tests. 978-993.

    • Akin Ates, M., Wynstra, F., & Raaij, E. (2010). An empirical analysis of purchase category strategies.

    • Akin Ates, M., Raaij, E., & Wynstra, F. (2010). A typology of purchasing strategies: An analysis at the purchase category level. 471-481.

    • Knoppen, D., Bernardes, E., Brandon-Jones, A., Dabhilkar, M., Luzzini, D., Ronchi, S., Raaij, E., Akin Ates, M., Bengtsson, L., Caniato, F., Essig, M., Johnson, F., Hartley, J., Karjalainen, KA., Lakemond, N., Lehmann, L., Miemczyk, J., Rüdiger, M., Salmi, A., ... Wynstra, F. (2010). Analysis of equivalence among sub-samples: Preliminary results of the International Purchasing Survey.

    • Akin Ates, M., Bloemhof-Ruwaard, JM., Wynstra, F., & Raaij, E. (2009). The impact of supply chain-related factors on the environmental performance of manufacturing firms in Turkey.

  • Academic (1)
    • van Raaij, E., van den Ende, J., & Baumann, D., (2015). Airbus’s Supplier Portal: Changing a Business Paradigm, 14 p., RSM Case Development Centre

  • How green can you clean: shaping the circular hospital together

    Invited talk (Academic)

  • Samen groener

    Invited talk (Professional)

  • Research ethics and integrity: shining a spotlight on the dark side of publishing

    Oral presentation (Academic)

  • Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (Journal)

    Editorial work (Academic)

  • Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (Journal)

    Editorial work (Academic)

Purchasing and supply management at the purchase category level: Strategy, structure, and performance
  • Role: Co-promotor
  • PhD Candidate: Melek Akin Ates
  • Time frame: 2008 - 2014
Leveraging the International Context: Essays On Building Offshoring Capabilities and Enhancing Firm Innovation
  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee
  • PhD Candidate: Mashiho Mihalache
  • Time frame: 2011 - 2015
Effective contracting of uncertain performance outcomes: Allocating responsibility for performance outcomes to align goals across supply chain actors
  • Role: Daily Supervisor
  • PhD Candidate: Fabian Nullmeier
  • Time frame: 2015 - 2019
  • Role: Promotor
  • Role: Promotor
Interorganizational Governance in Projects: Contracts and collaboration as alignment mechanism
  • Role: Member Doctoral Committee
  • PhD Candidate: Anna Nikulina
  • Time frame: 2016 - 2021
Research Seminar
As: Coordinator


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