Publications with NCA

NEW: Authors of an NCA publication can propose an accepted or published work (article, book chapter, book, thesis, conference paper, etc.) that applies NCA, proposes the application of NCA, or discusses NCA to be referenced on this website. Click here to enter your work.

Disclaimer: Being listed here does not automatically imply that NCA was always properly described and applied in all its aspects. However, articles with problematic applications of NCA (Dul, 2022), and articles in journals that are considered predatory journals because they lack a proper peer review process, are excluded from the list.

Publications with NCA can provide methodological or substantive contributions (theoretical or empirical), or a combination. Here are examples of methodological and substantive publications, as well as popular videos, methodological videos and books. Furthermore, publications about misinterpretations and with critique on NCA are listed with a reaction from the NCA development team.

Five common pitfalls when publishing an NCA paper are presented here